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Surprise, Surprise – Boozy Goes AWOL in NZ

Behrouz Boochani & Golriz Ghahraman

In what must rank as the biggest surprise since the discovery that water is wet, country-shopping parasite Behrouz Boochani is at it again. New Zealand was foolish enough to open the door to this grifting rodent, and, surprise, surprise, he’s bunkered down in a dark corner of the pantry.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.

A refugee who wrote an award-winning book while being held in detention has overstayed his visa in New Zealand, according to at least one official and the man’s lawyer, in a move that could fuel diplomatic tensions with Australia.

Behrouz Boochani travelled from Papua New Guinea in November on a temporary one-month visa to speak about his book at a literary festival.

Was anyone in New Zealand’s immigration department actually naive enough not to see how this was going to end? Or was this all part of the plan?

A New Zealand government official, who was not authorised to speak publicly about the situation but was in a position to know, told the AP Boochani had remained in Christchurch after his visa expired.

Boochani has kept a low profile since his November 29 speaking engagement at the Word Christchurch festival and has not publicly stated his plans. Many people assume he will seek asylum in New Zealand.

But the big problem for New Zealanders is not the money that taxpayers will end up forking out, to keep this leech in the style he’s accustomed to demanding, but what it will mean for trans-Tasman travel.

Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has vowed that Boochani will never be allowed to enter Australia, even if New Zealand ends up granting him asylum. That would create an unusual situation, because typically New Zealanders and Australians are free to live and work in both countries under a mutual agreement.

Be prepared to say goodbye to all that. All thanks to a shiftless fakeugee and a clueless, virtue-signalling leftist government.

Speaking of which, there’s no show without Punch:

A statement from Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s office to the AP appeared to add further confirmation that Boochani remains in New Zealand.

The statement said the prime minister doesn’t believe that Boochani remaining in the country will cause any problems for New Zealand’s close relationship with Australia. Her office referred further questions to immigration officials.

If Ardern’s office is treating Boozy’s presence in New Zealand as a done deal, that begs the question of just who knew what, and who nudged and winked at whom. We all know that Ardern has been desperate to get some photogenic fakeugess to hug and mug with, but exactly how far was she willing to go?
