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Coming soon to NSW classrooms. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Gladys Berejiklian is generally regarded as one of Australia’s more sensible politicians. Apart from a notable lack of judgement in turning a studiously blind eye to a former boyfriend’s corrupt land dealings, the NSW premier mostly seems to live up to her image: a bit boring, but competent and sensible.

Which makes it all the more bizarre that NSW’s education system is playing host to a far-left indoctrination program of festering anti-white racism.

Unfortunately, this kind of rot is being drip-fed to schoolchildren in New South Wales, thanks to an initiative of the Education Department entitled ‘Racism. No Way!’ While it bills itself as ‘Anti-racism education for Australian schools’, the reality is that this project has turned the classroom into a highly politicised environment in which children are being taught that both Australia’s history, as well as its institutions are racist. They are being told that white people should feel guilty about the colour of their skin.
Coming soon to NSW classrooms. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Much the same as the revolting “Safe Schools” program sold itself on the lie of being an “anti-bullying program”, when in fact it was a radical, Queer Theory grooming program, this so-called “anti-racist” program is in truth thoroughly steeped in racism.

The lessons, which claim to ‘develop the foundation knowledge and skills needed to counter racism, prejudice, and discrimination’ have been designed to be taught across all areas of the New South Wales curriculum. They have been inspired by the writings of a radical American activist-teacher who has based her entire career on the offensive notion that all white children are born racist and that the only ‘cure’ for this racism comes in the form of ‘unconscious bias’ training, which has long since been discredited.

First off, the notion that someone has inherently bad traits due solely to their race is the literal definition of racism.

As for “unconscious bias”, that’s just the fancy NewSpeak for Thought Crime.

And like the totalitarian Ingsoc, with its children’s league, The Spies, the real-life left are determined to get at kids as young as possible.

According to the luminaries behind ‘Racism. No Way!’, training cannot start too early, so they have developed a series of anti- prejudice classroom activities for kindergarten children[…]

While the four-year-olds are undergoing anti-prejudice training, their ten-year-old counterparts are being introduced to Critical Race Theory[…]

By the time they reach secondary school, it is all about ‘white privilege’.

“White privilege” is the “racial hygiene” of the new totalitarians. Like the Nazi Ahnenerbe, assiduously assessing a citizen’s quota of “Jewishness”, Critical Race Theorists force white kids to quantify their own supposed “privilege”.

This blatant politicisation is equivalent to child abuse and is the corruption of the innocent. Four-year-olds should not be subjected to anti-bias training; they should be learning to write their names and playing in the sandpit. The malleable minds of teenagers should not be infected with destabilising Critical Race Theory and lunatic notions of ‘white privilege’. The NSW Education Minister must do everything in her power to protect children from this dangerous and divisive ideology by ensuring that it is no longer taught in our schools.

Spectator Australia

Of course, the clever outflanking maneuvre by the racist left is to frame their racist ideology as “anti-racism”. Just as they vilified anyone who rightly objected to Safe Schools as supposedly condoning homophobia, they will simply shriek that anyone who opposes their appalling Critical Race Theory, is a “racist”.

But, as always with the left, whenever they vilify their opponents, they’re invariably screaming into the mirror.

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