Don’t Think Just Vote Green
Greens voters have no idea who leads the party they vote for.
Greens voters have no idea who leads the party they vote for.
Because doing more of what’s already sent electricity prices soaring is going to work… eventually. And socialism will work next time. These people are barking.
Dutton floats referendum on stripping citizenship.
Ideally, the entire scheme would be abolished over time. The bottom line? Professor Foster says we need to get the government out of our investment decisions.
Caravan plot mastermind has a long history with neo-Nazis.
Australia’s naval defence is in a parlous state.
Dutton needs to come out with clear, explicit pledges to vastly cut immigration and to fight the culture wars (a vote-winning issue, I promise you). I’d also like to see him revisit Net Zero and promise to get out.
This isn’t about helping families. It’s another bloated, mismanaged government program, distorting the market and throwing millions down the drain.
Apparently everyone is responsible for Aboriginal Australians, except themselves.
Terror plot mastermind and his decades of anti-Semitic bile.
The Teals are the product of an essentially hollow elite class.