Go Woke Go Broke
The open borders brigade never seem to learn the true impact of mass immigration.
The open borders brigade never seem to learn the true impact of mass immigration.
This sampling barely scratches the surface of emerging automotive technology worldwide. Innovation and free markets, not government mandates, continue to drive the future of transportation.
Today all of us can buy things produced across the globe: and our daily life is based on this level of access and cooperation.
New Zealand is dipping its toes back into the Middle East. With a desert climate serving as a natural barrier to agriculture, the GCC countries are particularly willing buyers of New Zealand’s food exports.
It appears the tide is turning on woke culture. Let’s hope these waves quickly make their way to NZ shores.
Why are the bad guys demonstrably smarter than those tasked with protecting our money and providing security?
Patents expert Dr David Martin has stated that there are at least 3,099 patents on H5N1, making bird flu a gold mine for many if a ‘pandemic’ can be generated.
If we give in, we will be providing a helping hand to our ‘friends’ in America who will then toddle off to Europe and ask them to follow suit. “See, New Zealand did it, now it’s your turn.”
The vaccine is the intellectual property of those who created the bioweapon, and it is worth a fortune once the weapon has been unleashed. It is as simple as that.
The public will be required to opt in because they will no longer be able to find out whether they are buying, eating or being prescribed biotech products.
A likely reduction in Whānau Ora funding rattles Te Pāti Māori.
Their critiques span from the effectiveness of flu vaccines to alleged mishandling of research and public health protocols.
How has Canada has gotten to a state where the beauty and excitement of pregnancy is deemed controversial?