The Enduring Legacy of PM Ardern
It’s all part of the enduring legacy of Jacinda Ardern, which, after all, was all about posturing, image and looking good on the stage.
It’s all part of the enduring legacy of Jacinda Ardern, which, after all, was all about posturing, image and looking good on the stage.
KiwiSaver will increasingly become a critical aspect of New Zealanders’ retirement. Changes to it need to be carefully considered and evaluated.
New Zealanders deserve real leadership, not preformative climate virtue-signalling at the expense of our prosperity.
Manurewa Marae ‘scoop’ falls between clickbait and journalism.
History shows why they lost the appetite.
You could decide to bear the risk yourself. That’s not silly. Houses burning down are highly unusual events.
Woke banks had better get the hint otherwise much pain will ensue.
Marc Short – Pence’s former chief of staff during Trump’s first term and now the co-author of the AAF letter lambasting RFK, Jr – had $51,000 – $115,000 in Pfizer stock in 2020. He also owned stock in Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Eli Lilly, and other companies.
The shutdown highlights vulnerabilities in the global supply chain.
Growth doesn’t come from taxing people out of house and home: it comes from producing more and exporting more.
This was a speech that you would never hear from the left. They are unable to grasp this sort of vision that the country sorely needs.
Public vs private innovation: the next time there is proposed legislation on the table to fund research and development, think twice about the history and the costs of state-funded innovation.
Alongside the NDIS and other grandiose government spending, the NBN has crippled the economy, leaving Australians – both current and future generations – poorer.
“This is a great opportunity to deliver real results for the South Island, and I’m looking forward to the challenge.” – James Meager.