Yes, They Colluded
Musk might be the target here, but it’s the speech of all online users that groups like CCDH want to regulate. If too many shrug and consider ‘regulated’ speech the new norm, it will be easier for these regimes to censor more online content and people might gradually forget what an opinion is.
You Should Reject the Term ‘Christian Nationalism’
The ‘separation of church and state’ is used as a weapon to shut Christians up. Don’t allow it.
Gang Patch Ban Could Spread Further
What we know for sure is that, eventually, it will be defined and enforced by the last people you’d ever want to.
Censorship Attacks the Pursuit of Truth
Just as free markets evolve toward wealth, a free marketplace of ideas will evolve toward truth.
The Global Assault on Religious Freedom
Christianity threatens the regime because it demands faith in something greater than the state and devotion to a creed more defined than the ever-changing slogans of socially fashionable talking points.
What Is He Doing?
Is Sir Ashley Bloomfield arguing that this nation should be turned into a police state for the ‘next (inevitable)’ pandemic?
Kill Free Speech to Regain Trust
Tedros has discussed trust and how to get it back – by killing free speech, of course.
Google Still Stacking the Deck
Burying r-leaning news on presidential coverage three weeks from election.
Fact Aotearoa Springs up as DP Folds
It is clear that their role is to ensure public support for government authority by dismissing and even criminalising those who dare to oppose government policies. Such propaganda should concern anyone who values freedom and democracy.
There Are Signs of Untruthfulness
Sometimes the speaker connives for his adversaries to be censored. It is like when a business gets the government to shut down competing businesses. It is a form of protectionism or what economists call ‘rent-seeking.’
Now the War Against Hate
State coercion never resolves the problems it sets out to address but only gives rise to new and worse problems.
Off You Go Disinformation Project
In the end, the Disinformation Project imploded under the weight of its own hypocrisy. New Zealanders have moved on and so should Kate Hannah.
Should the Govt Restrict Online Speech?
There’s no doubt that certain kinds of online conduct are reprehensible. But that doesn’t mean we should disregard the First Amendment.
Disinformation Is Not the Problem Here
Government coverups and censorship are. We are moving fast down that slippery slope to an authoritarian society.