The Bogus Promise of Kindness
The attack on the Let Women Speak attendees in the name of trans rights was a glimpse of the “the iron fist of authoritarianism that lurks in the velvet glove of ‘Be Kind’.”
The attack on the Let Women Speak attendees in the name of trans rights was a glimpse of the “the iron fist of authoritarianism that lurks in the velvet glove of ‘Be Kind’.”
More and more I’m gravitating to the view that perhaps those countries that use the rattan cane as a form of punishment might well be on the right track.
National needs to take stock of why Labour failed, if it is to avoid the same fate. And they need to do this quickly – before their credibility is sucked into a vortex from which Christopher Luxon will find it difficult to recover.
What Dame Anne is engaging in is what the philosopher Harry Frankfurt calls ‘bullshit’. This is where intellectuals and policy makers, who have no good answers to valid questions from regular people, essentially resort to using jargon to sidestep the matter.
It is a mix of racism and wokeness that is at the heart of the problem.
What does Anne Salmond know about the Māori language that Āpirana Ngata, Hugh Kāwharu and the late Māori Queen didn’t know? She should tell us.
The treaty as currently interpreted has become a socialist manifesto and a source of never-ending grievance. I am not willing to carry out the Tribunal’s proposed strategic plan.
As the influence of Christianity has declined, Islam has stepped in to fill the spiritual and moral vacuum. Britain is gradually becoming more Islamic year by year. This poses a challenge. Islamic ethics and values are not what made Britain great.
$10,000 clean up needed less than a year after construction.
Open letter to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and all coalition MPs.
Iraqis are preparing for parliamentary elections again this year. Saleem’s saga reveals that corruption, Iranian influence, and judicial arrogance are major obstacles to a freer, safer Iraq.
We have to bring an end to industry bodies having the power to impose political and cultural beliefs on professionals, who submit because they have to in order to obtain a licence.
I try not to bemoan the loss of ‘how things were’, and, rather, focus on how things are and sometimes wonder who thought it was ever a good idea to do things in a particular way.