What Coolidge’s Inauguration Can Teach Us Now
Calvin Coolidge was only president who actually shrank the government.
Calvin Coolidge was only president who actually shrank the government.
Isn’t it time our coalition government put the national interest and wellbeing of New Zealanders first and opted out of Paris as well?
Government’s fingerprints are everywhere. Who paid for it? You, sucker – or rather, proudly brought to you by the government, the only growth industry left in this over-regulated wasteland.
$10,000 clean up needed less than a year after construction.
But here’s a question for Ian to ponder. Why, given his wealth, is he even taking the government super?
My favourite Boomer retort to all of this is, “But I worked hard for my money!” Yeah, you and millions of others. You also benefitted from cheap housing and the fact that you could walk from one job to another without even needing a CV.
So can the PM now come clean and tell the media how often he’s talked with the Initiative?
If this government doesn’t get all DOGE on government expenditure, then they are probably toast. Managing the economic decline, albeit slightly better than Labour, isn’t a solution.
In the 34 years since the first required audit, DOD has lived down to the low expectations ascribed to government bureaucracies. Congress is now requiring the department to pass an audit by 2028.
Although our top two politicians have never heard of the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle, and would no doubt label it a bit of silly academic economics, it is actually an observed fact which may be the undoing of the coalition’s ambitions.
Central banks are meant to smooth business cycles, not exacerbate them.
Any discussion of federal employees that doesn’t mention the taxpayers who pay bureaucrats’ salaries is fundamentally dishonest and incomplete. Donald Trump isn’t paying for these jobs. American fast-food workers, insurance agents, and cell-phone salespeople are paying for it all.
Our governments continue to have a spending problem, there are 700,000 people on the NDIS and our national debt keeps growing. It is time for an intervention. We need an Australian version of DOGE.
The Biden economy was as bad as the media said it wasn’t.