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Sunshine Through the Interstices

Sunshine Through the Interstices

It is all the usual left-wing echo chamber. Broke lefty media people and loser socialist politicians are trying to pimp the poor.

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Poor Leadership and Bad Advice

Poor Leadership and Bad Advice

More than just a shortage of money is negatively affecting children in benefit-dependent homes. If poor children in working households have better outcomes, then increasing parental employment would be a better strategy than increasing benefits.

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DOGE and Joe Dodge

DOGE and Joe Dodge

The free-market miracles that transformed West Germany and Japan into economic powerhouses within a decade are so incredibly remarkable that one has to ask, “Why don’t Americans learn about them in public schools today?”

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Cooking Books the Edmonds’ Way

Cooking Books the Edmonds’ Way

Edmonds needs to look at the ingredients that go into making a successful recipe for the economy; otherwise, she might end up with no more than a burnt offering.

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