NZDSOS-ACC Email Thread for the Record
That hasn’t aged well and perhaps ACC should chat to the Medical Council about recovering some of its costs.
That hasn’t aged well and perhaps ACC should chat to the Medical Council about recovering some of its costs.
It is all the usual left-wing echo chamber. Broke lefty media people and loser socialist politicians are trying to pimp the poor.
More than just a shortage of money is negatively affecting children in benefit-dependent homes. If poor children in working households have better outcomes, then increasing parental employment would be a better strategy than increasing benefits.
Queensland public servants screech, ‘Gimme, gimme, gimme!’
The free-market miracles that transformed West Germany and Japan into economic powerhouses within a decade are so incredibly remarkable that one has to ask, “Why don’t Americans learn about them in public schools today?”
The Aloha State is finally facing the problem.
A likely reduction in Whānau Ora funding rattles Te Pāti Māori.
The consequences of these still-elevated house prices in terms of social distress are all around us. Solve that problem, and many other social problems melt away.
Edmonds needs to look at the ingredients that go into making a successful recipe for the economy; otherwise, she might end up with no more than a burnt offering.
Our pressing problem is very much not equity – it is efficiency. Once that’s sorted out, we will be on our way up again.