Welfare Is a Jealous Polygamist
Our welfare system traps women in hopeless lives, depending on a state that doesn’t really want them but is too jealous to let them go.
Our welfare system traps women in hopeless lives, depending on a state that doesn’t really want them but is too jealous to let them go.
When politicians and progressives are unwilling to participate in the debate on taxes, they simply hand over the ground to those with a greater interest in dominating the discourse.
Our World In Data says the world is beating us.
Big batteries send the cost of ‘Net Zero’ even higher into the stratosphere.
For those with control over their own money, my suggestion is to simply invest in businesses that offer the best returns, and ignore those that virtue signal.
This isn’t much consolation to those losing their jobs today but let’s hope that the unavoidable correction to Labour’s six years of over-cooking the economy with borrowed money doesn’t come with too much more pain.
Australian Treasurer blames everyone but himself.
Labour leader and former education minister Hipkins made maths mistakes and was dishonest about the economic implications of population ageing.
Federations are the best way to govern a large and diverse country like Australia and far better than the alternative, centralism – power and law making centralised in one place.
An embarrassing big con is being sold to New Zealanders. Hopefully the politicians and public soon learn to look beyond the duopoly’s plea to only have tweaks made to their dominance and then genuine reform can come.
When the price of energy goes up, so does the price of everything else.
The balance of the States’ financial requirements is met through Commonwealth grants. This gives the Commonwealth enormous economic power and influence, and is inefficient and inequitable.
The commission supports reviewing the Fair Trading Act to impose stricter penalties for pricing inaccuracies, aiming to protect consumer rights and improve market competition.
Treasurer Zippy can point all the fingers he wants, but we can all see who’s stuffed the economy.