Scotland & NZ: Elephants in the Room
There are no coincidences. We’re seeing a lockstep, a plan, in what’s happening in our kid’s lives… and how it’s being done, throughout many countries in the West.
There are no coincidences. We’re seeing a lockstep, a plan, in what’s happening in our kid’s lives… and how it’s being done, throughout many countries in the West.
Massive Korean study confirms elevated risk of heart disease among young people.
Key questions remain unanswered. Can the Waikato medical school, if approved, realistically deliver the promised outcomes of rural and primary care doctors faster and more effectively than expanding current programs?
Leaking and white-anting public servants are crying a river of tears about being held to account for their deliberate tactics to undermine a minister and government that they don’t agree with. Perhaps we need to drain the swamp.
Now Germans are asking hard questions. Australians demand answers, too, and so do more and more Kiwis.
The Pfizer papers are too important to ignore and point to not only Pfizer but authorities such as Medsafe knowing that immense harms were about to be unleased on the people of New Zealand.
Sick people will continue to suffer because the Medical Council and the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists want to keep careful control over the gate for their own purposes.
David Seymour MP, leader of ACT, Associate Minister of Health and architect of the controversial End of Life Choice Act, assured our nation that his legislation was not only “compassionate”, but “safe”. We now know, thanks to Dr Greville and Dr Wensley, that this is untrue.
The suspected suicide rate in 2023/24 is 3.6 per cent lower than the average over the last 15 financial years.
Despite growing evidence of failed and injurious mRNA vaccines and their unknown long-term health effects, NZ health authorities are still promoting the Covid vaccines as safe and effective and media are silent on the subject. Shame on them!
Labour Leader Hipkins, aided by his henchmen in the MainStreamMedia, Wrecked NZ's Economy by Ordering Vaccines Late & Destroyed Trust in our Government
Labour hate Mike King; he made an unforgiveable decision in their eyes when he turned his back on them. So, now they just attack him and his charity whenever they can. They are just a bunch of miserable, nasty, wowsers.
Smart immigration drives economic growth, but open doors would shred the social safety net.
The right to welfare became a pathway to welfare dependency which has contributed significantly to the scale of the child protection crisis confronting Australia today.
Trust eroded by ‘heavy-handed’ measures, calls for CDC and new ‘pandemic’ strategy.