How the US Govt Turned on the People
The act made bureaucrats professionals who are independent of politicians. Of course, after Covid anybody who thinks bureaucrats are omniscient angels needs a lobotomy. Covid was their dream come true: total control.
What Even Is It?
Race activists in NZ should get over themselves & accept we'll never know whether "sovereignty" was ceded in the Treaty of Waitangi.
Does God Hate Dunedin?
I say that given the terrible punishments the bugger has laid on it in recent years.
Was Sovereignty Ceded in 1840?
The Crown is sovereign now over all New Zealanders. Frankly, there is no other peaceful way forward.
They Want to Control the Past to Control Your Children
The war on history is a war on the West.
It Is an Act of Projection
Hayek was right when he wrote that under socialism “the worst rise to the top” in politics. They know exactly what they are doing because they are, after all, fascists.
A Year That Will Live in Infamy
America’s enemies are gathering and will inevitably strike at it directly. Every day wasted beyond this year of infamy will need to be repaid in more blood.
The Mirage of Honest Government
Trying to end misgovernment merely by changing the party in charge is like an alcoholic solving his problems by switching from whiskey to rum. Trusting politicians is a luxury that Americans can no longer afford.
The Greatest Human Failings
Overy concluded that if warfare has a very long human history, it also has a future. If that’s true, then if the wasted application of so much human resources into warfare technology continues then humanity may itself prove to have no future.
The Right to Speak Evil
The major pogroms and mass murders of the past century were nearly all under the guidance of governments who controlled narratives, not undirected mobs. History is clear where the greater risk lies.
We Are in Dire Need of Restructuring
America is falling apart. No wonder US infrastructure received a C- on the Infrastructure Report Card. The American Empire is approaching a breaking point.
Washing Machines Are Good, Actually
Technological advancement has made our world immensely better.
They Don’t Want Your Life to Be Better
Capitalism developed cheap appliances that literally save lives – the green-left hate them.
This Is What the Long March Looks Like
How the National Museum of Australia became a dull showcase of wokeism.
Trump Landslide Predictions Start to Emerge
The parallels to a memorable election decades ago are unmistakable.