Ranked on Their Mid-Term Prospects
Luxon and Hipkins: ‘politically weakened’ or ‘muddling through’.
Luxon and Hipkins: ‘politically weakened’ or ‘muddling through’.
Labour could do more to destabilise the National Party, but will they?
Who would name an organisation "KOCS"? The Labour Party, of course.
The move is on. Will Ayesha Verrall make the cut to become the next Labour leader?
Labour in the UK had a terrible anti-Semitism issue, so much so they needed an inquiry and the removal of some MPs. Labour in New Zealand seems to have a similar issue, but are strangely silent on the issue, even as their MPs signal support for the genocidal attacks against Israel on Oct 7.
You know the end is nigh when various left-wing mouthpieces start saying out loud what others are only whispering in to their chardonnays or their Fair trade decaf soy latte coffees.
Jim Bolger thought he was secure when he went overseas as Prime Minister, only to be met by my father telling him Jenny Shipley had the numbers to roll him. Chris Hipkins now dances with the same perils as he swans off to the UK.
Chris Hipkins is delusional. Most Kiwis see him as the ugly face of the Ardern regime, the guy who presided over multiple debacles in Health, Education, Police and Covid. Claiming his caucus backs him is fanciful.
Labour and the teachers’ unions are angry and upset because they don’t like the Government’s numbers on the number of kids failing at mathematics, preferring their numbers which still show 58% of year-eight kids are failing.
When politicians deny and say they aren’t at all interested in the leadership, they’re lying through their teeth.