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Kiri Allan

Kiri Allan

Their apparent belief that their fast-diminishing, remaining, audience wishes to view Allan’s bum says everything about their abysmal judgment and consequential decline.

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Which One Is It?

Which One Is It?

Whether protests on hospital plans or what you can wear on a night out, are we being consistent in our approach or just doing what suits us at the time.

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The Sad Story at 1News

The Sad Story at 1News

Staff at 1News are part of the problem, but they could also be part of the solution if they presented the news in an objective, non-partisan manner. Then some viewers and advertisers might return and aid the company’s balance sheet

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Why We Hate the News

Why We Hate the News

Basically because they are bent, biased and no longer relevant. But the academics think it’s because right wingers hate the news.

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