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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Duncan Garner: I know my dad – he’s dead now, he died of cancer – he wanted me to go on an adventure like that, and we never got around to it. The anniversary of his death’s coming up, so I’m doing this for him and me, to prove I can do it.

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“Iwi versus Peewee”: A Good, Old-Fashioned Debate

“Iwi versus Peewee”: A Good, Old-Fashioned Debate

It is the particular tragedy of contemporary New Zealand politics that, with the noble exception of Bradbury’s Working Group, the critical cultural, political and constitutional issues raised by the Treaty Principles Bill will not be fairly, frankly or fearlessly debated anywhere else.

Members Public
How Dare They Honour Their Promises!

How Dare They Honour Their Promises!

You know that things are seriously awry in modern media when an old warhorse journalist lambasts the government for doing the unspeakable – honouring election promises. Yet here we are.

Members Public
Fear Can Be a Powerful Motivator

Fear Can Be a Powerful Motivator

Whether Team Trump achieves their goal depends on two things: the level of Trump support where public awareness of the facts is crucial; and a fair election free from political interference. Fighting the government and MSM is asking a lot.

Members Public
TVNZ Is Circling the Drain

TVNZ Is Circling the Drain

The world media is going digital so, in order to compete, TVNZ cancels their online digital presence. If TVNZ was a dog we’d put it down.

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