Mental Health

Face of the Day
For Ozich, it’s personal – he lost his brother and a close friend to suicide in recent years.
Puberty Blocks – the Facts
Thousands of doctors worldwide rely on WPATH including our own Ministry of Health Te Whatu Ora – and it’s pushed by the radical association of NZ activists called PATHA (Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa).

You Say ‘Shameful’, I Say 'a Good Start'
Health New Zealand is looking at axing 1478 jobs...I say that’s a good start.

Face of the Day
Luxon said he stands by the work King’s charity does and his government’s investment in it.

I’d Rather Listen to Mike King than Labour’s Wowsers
Labour hate Mike King; he made an unforgiveable decision in their eyes when he turned his back on them. So, now they just attack him and his charity whenever they can. They are just a bunch of miserable, nasty, wowsers.