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NZ Politics

Hīkoi No More Than a Hiccup

Hīkoi No More Than a Hiccup

The politicians, particularly those on the right, with the exception of ACT, need to realise that those who put them in power did so in the belief the necessary courage was there to fix this festering sore. We are now left in doubt and that is not good enough.

Members Public
What Does the Treaty Hīkoi Signify?

What Does the Treaty Hīkoi Signify?

National could, under urgency, progress Seymour’s bill to second reading and vote it down, but this would put immense strain on the coalition, which is supposed to operate based on good faith and Cabinet consensus. An early election could be provoked, leading to National bleeding votes to ACT.

Members Public
Comment of the Day

Comment of the Day

The Māori Party used and manipulated thousands of Māori for their own pointless political stunt. They are a bunch of extremists and middle New Zealand has had enough. They don’t want democracy, they want anarchy.

Members Public
What Did Paul Goldsmith Do?

What Did Paul Goldsmith Do?

Goldsmith has the effrontery to declare that National Governments have ‘ensured equal citizenship and equal opportunity for all New Zealanders’.

Members Public