How Christian Are the 400 Church Leaders?
How can Christian church leaders, the ones who preach God’s love to all his children, suggest that some are more equal than others?
How can Christian church leaders, the ones who preach God’s love to all his children, suggest that some are more equal than others?
It is obvious we cannot leave it in the Ministry of Health’s hands. They are burying their heads in the sand over this issue, not wanting to offend a minority group who are holding sway on this issue
Prime Minister Starmer can claim that his new government is just doing the same as their predecessors, but that doesn’t seem to cut with a very disgruntled public. Prime Minister Luxon should take note.
Christopher Luxon said health professionals were wrong to implement the policy and the health minister has now intervened.
“I come to the dangers posed by the increasing entrenchment of the treaty in statute. The treaty itself contains no principles which can usefully guide government or courts.” – Lange
It is a sad state of affairs when doctors feel they cannot speak out for fear of massive fines and/or suspension, despite the medical council providing no proof of harm to patients or the public.
Labour leader and former education minister Hipkins made maths mistakes and was dishonest about the economic implications of population ageing.
I thought it wise to get the story straight from the horse’s mouth, so asked Hazledine what had gone on. He says he was passed the lawyers’ letter and considers the defamation claim to be ridiculous – an attempt to “chill discussion” of the Foodstuff merger.
This second call for submissions opened a month ago, yet neither Australian nor New Zealand MSM have covered it.
An embarrassing big con is being sold to New Zealanders. Hopefully the politicians and public soon learn to look beyond the duopoly’s plea to only have tweaks made to their dominance and then genuine reform can come.
For New Zealanders alive today, much now depends upon whether Queen Ngāwai takes after Elizabeth or Mary.
The reality is that He Puapua is alive and well in local government and in spite of the coalition pledge to ‘Stop all work on He Puapua’, it is now so rampant that it is threatening to take over the sector entirely, with very significant consequences for ratepayers.