NZ Politics
Three Kiwis Who Should Be Knighted in the New Year’s Honours symbols of how New Zealand still celebrates meritocratic achievement (or should)
Cycleways and Property Value Study Faces Scepticism
Professor Kingham, a former chief science advisor to the Ministry of Transport, is widely known for promoting cycling as a sustainable mode of transport.
When Ideologies Are the Rule
Mainstream media and our institutions continue to undermine themselves with absurd claims, mockery of the public, and censorship.
The NZ Govt Wants to Enshrine Mandates in Law
The Gene Technology Bill seeks to institute a revolution and it spits in the face of the public who suffered during the pandemic and who voted in a new government with the thought that things might change.
National Are Missing Their Weak Goals
They will fail to do what they were elected to do: they will achieve few reforms and drag out the economic pain caused by the previous Labour Government.
The ACT Party’s Highly Influential Year
The only serious restraint on Seymour’s power will be his fellow minor party leader Winston Peters. Christopher Luxon and National seem to find themselves repeatedly outmatched by him.
These Procedures Are Funded by Taxpayers
Health NZ say that since 2020 the service has been publicly funded to deliver up to 14 gender-affirming genital surgeries (either feminising or masculinising) per year.
No, This Is Too Risky
If the world’s most recognisable bioscientists can’t get it right, what hope is there for our government appointed local regulator?
Is He Trying to Incite?
Dr Carr’s language to parliament was incendiary and an incitement to violence. We are in rough and dangerous times.
It Is Now Official
Behind all the hot air from the PM and finance minister, National is running a bigger borrow-and-spend government than six years of Ardern and Robertson.