How Do CFOs Really Feel About Business Outlook in NZ?
Forty-one per cent met or exceeded their revenue growth targets in 2024, and 37 per cent achieved or surpassed their profit growth targets, indicating resilience despite rising costs.
Forty-one per cent met or exceeded their revenue growth targets in 2024, and 37 per cent achieved or surpassed their profit growth targets, indicating resilience despite rising costs.
The game ends when the players are so drunk that all racial hypersensitivity has been banished by the liberating power of liquor and, ironically, a sober view on ‘cultural offensiveness’ has been restored.
A more direct approach will be needed to get the sector back on track: trimming the bureaucracy and operations to ensure council rate increases are no greater than the rate of inflation, instigating debt repayment plans and undoing the grip of tribal interests would be a good start.
It’s hard to believe the former Director General of Health again is promoting a harmful substance and threatening those who do not comply.
Findings and recommendations of the Inquiry into Equity and Fairness in Policing.
Recently published research indicates that such a position is no longer in any way morally defensible. It is time to speak out freely and correct public misperceptions about mRNA vaccine safety and efficacy.
Free speech begins at home. It begins with countless individuals making countless individual choices to speak their minds and allow others to speak theirs – even, if necessary, to defend to the death their right to do it.
Universities’ expenses are expected to outpace income, with some already operating at a deficit.
The ‘legacy of colonialism’ just cannot explain the dire state of so many former African colonies.
The pandemic has severely affected social communication skills, with nearly two-thirds of teachers reporting setbacks in children’s language development.
If both trends continue, New Zealand could face a shrinking, ageing population, with profound and catastrophic implications for the nation’s social and economic health.
Of course we already have a fusion reactor. It’s called the sun.
New Zealand needs to take these sorts of crimes seriously – not only as a deterrent to potential fraudsters, but also for their victims.
As the truth mountain enlarges, more people will come to stand upon it.