Have We Finally Reached Peak Woke?
There are reasons to think the religious fire may have gone out.
There are reasons to think the religious fire may have gone out.
The measure I’m most concerned about is clause 18, which will amend the Equality Act to force employers to “take all reasonable steps” to insulate their staff from “harassment” by “third parties”.
We’re mass importing violent Third World superstitions.
If governments can compel tech companies to break encryption, digital privacy risks becoming a privilege reserved for the ideologically compliant – not an inalienable right.
As the influence of Christianity has declined, Islam has stepped in to fill the spiritual and moral vacuum. Britain is gradually becoming more Islamic year by year. This poses a challenge. Islamic ethics and values are not what made Britain great.
Reflections on a trip to Trump’s America.
If disagreeing with elite groupthink is a good reason for kicking someone out of the Royal Society, shouldn’t it have kicked out Sir Isaac Newton instead of making him president?
This undermines the security and privacy of us all.
Britain has proved its resilience before and I believe we will again. But how frustrating it is to see our country languishing as the rest of the world zooms by.
UK society: is it breaking down or just developing terminal apathy?
The whole rotten structure needs to be dismantled. We deserve the right to free expression, whether or not it causes offence.