USA Politics
RFK Jnr’s Move Is Seismic for Trump
This week it will be interesting to see what the numbers are when the polls come out.
Time Magazine Pays the Price for Lost Credibility
Many have stopped reading Time magazine. Which in turn translates into a loss of revenue and staff cuts.
Evangelicals and Catholics Can Vote Dems, Really?
Democrats want you to believe that if you are a Catholic or Evangelical, you can feel totally comfortable voting for Harris-Walz.
Anchors in a Sea of Chaos
The only anchor will be precisely what our rationalist Enlightenment society pushed to the background: loyalty to ethical principles even if it means losing whatever you possess in the world of appearances.
How Will RFK Jr Alter the Race?
Democrats will try to minimize it, but a Kennedy endorsing Donald Trump is more than newsworthy.
How Would New Zealanders Vote?
The populist or anti-Establishment mood that has created electoral earthquakes elsewhere around the world doesn’t appear to have had an impact here, yet this survey might suggest that such latent sentiments might still be growing.
John Kenneth Galbraith’s The Great Crash, 1929
If a leading intellectual can’t explain why and how the policies he espouses address the challenges a country has faced in the past, it’s very difficult to take seriously what he and his later adherents may have to say.
The World’s Slowest Indian
South Asians in the US tend to be smart – then there’s Kamala Harris.
Naturalization Process Conveniently Gains Speed
If they cast ballots, whom might they vote for: the guy who wants to make it difficult for immigrants to enter the US or the unofficial border czar who’s partly responsible for allowing so many of them to enter the country?