USA Politics
No Sex Please: We Are Intolerant
Let’s face it. Conservative and right-wing women are smarter, sexier, more attractive and don’t need to go a sex strike just to make a point.
It Was a Day of Reckoning
There are many lessons for New Zealand in the US election outcome. Firstly, it’s very clear that politicians who lose touch with the sentiment of ordinary folk do so at their peril. National should take note.
The US Should Undercut the Three-Legged Stool
A comprehensive US strategy to counter the growing Iran-Russia-China axis must begin with steadfast support for Israel.
Have They All Got Mad-Cow Disease?
Apart from those with Trump Derangement Syndrome, America has decided it wants to be the Land of the Free again, without the woke strictures of Lying Kamala.
The Greatest Trump Troll
Not only is a government advisory body headed by Elon Musk likely to result in record volumes of leftist tears, it may well prove to be the most radical reform by any president since Ronald Reagan.
Look What Happened in Trump’s First Two Days
This is why Trump winning the election was crucial not just for America but for the world.
The Krudd Man Cometh... Or Goeth?
Albo reckons Trump will forgive and forget Rudd’s nastiness… good luck with that.
New York Court Delays Bungled Trump Convictions
Tainted evidence and an election win put sentencing deadlines on ice.
Americans Voted to Save Their Democracy All Right
The Democrats’ own talking-point bit them on the arse.
What Donald Trump Is Saying on the US Education Sector
That a landslide majority voted for the Republicans who stated these policies, would demonstrate that most people in the USA can see through the ‘trans-rights’ narrative.