Pope Francis Is a Giant Hypocrite
Open borders pope closes his own borders with prejudice.
Open borders pope closes his own borders with prejudice.
The woke petri dish has already created colossal havoc in every element of civil society in America and in much of the rest of the Western world. Deep reflection and immediate change are needed.
The left have a huge problem to solve and it is a problem entirely of their own making.
If we fail to act now, it is only a matter of time before the third intifada is here.
It’s good strategic sense for the US and Greenland both.
Today all of us can buy things produced across the globe: and our daily life is based on this level of access and cooperation.
Growing Russian and Chinese influence in the Arctic region in general is a security problem at a time of rising geopolitical rivalry. In this context, Greenland undeniably poses a particular and significant security vulnerability for the United States.
New Zealand is dipping its toes back into the Middle East. With a desert climate serving as a natural barrier to agriculture, the GCC countries are particularly willing buyers of New Zealand’s food exports.
Facebook is trying to realign itself to stay relevant. But will it go beyond paying mere lip service to those demanding freedom?
It appears the tide is turning on woke culture. Let’s hope these waves quickly make their way to NZ shores.