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Take the Masks off and Save the Children

Mask mandates have inflicted “nearly insurmountable” damage on a generation of children. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

From the earliest days of the pandemic, I noted a curious and deplorable phenomenon: the young were being sacrificed to save almost solely the very, very old. I called it “the Moloch Option”. Not long after, I wrote that we had moved from Moloch to Tlaloc — the Aztec deity who relished the suffering of the young.

In the name of “saving lives” from covid (by which it’s really meant: saving the lives of the very old and sick), a generation of children is suffering very badly. The youngest will, it seems, suffer mostly in silence.

Lockdown restrictions, including adults wearing face masks, has left a generation of babies and toddlers struggling with speech and social skills, according to an official report.

Inspectors working for Ofsted found that infants being surrounded by adults wearing face masks for significant periods of time over the last two years has damaged their learning and communication abilities.

Those turning two “will have been surrounded by adults wearing masks for their whole lives and have therefore been unable to see lip movements or mouth shapes as regularly,” the report found.

“Some providers have reported that delays to children’s speech and language development have led to them not socialising with other children as readily as they would have expected previously,” it added.

Some doctors have compared the damage inflicted on the “covid generation” to the damage inflicted on abandoned babies in the state-run orphanages of Communist Romania.

The restrictions also left toddlers struggling with crawling, using the toilet independently and making friends.

Delays in learning had also regressed some children to the stage where they needed help with basic tasks such as putting on their coats and blowing their noses.

“I’m particularly worried about younger children’s development which, if left unaddressed, could potentially cause problems for primary schools down the line,” said chief inspector Amanda Spielman […]

Speech therapist Jaclyn Theek said that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.

“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said, adding that symptoms of autism are also skyrocketing.

Summit News

Even older children are showing symptoms of stark developmental delays.

The reading ability of fourth-graders in Germany has dramatically dropped since pre-pandemic times, a study has found.

A study by researchers from TU Dortmund has found that German children in the fourth grade of primary school are far less capable of reading than their predecessors who passed through the grade pre-pandemic.

It comes amid a warning from UNICEF that children worldwide have suffered “a nearly insurmountable” loss of learning as a result of school closures during the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic.

Researchers warn that the knock-on effects of the unconscionable damage the Covidians have inflicted will be felt through the rest of the school system, for years to come.

“Quite simply, we are looking at a nearly insurmountable scale of loss to children’s schooling,” UNICEF education chief Robert Jenkins said.


These shocking results need to be waved in the face of every politician, every public health bureaucrat, every journalist and media-tart scientist who ignored every established tenet of pandemic response in order to ape the authoritarian bastardry of the Chinese Communist Party.

In the words of Wisconsin congressman Mike Gallagher:

“Shame on anyone who is allowing their own fear or political agenda to let our kids fall further behind”.
