Is the scam finally coming undone? The Trump revolution in the US is coming for the Climate Cult. Not only has DOGE exposed the trillions (yes, you read that right) in taxpayer’s money that is being surreptitiously funneled to cult activists, but now the administration is winding back the legislative millstones that have been hung around the necks of American industry by virtue-signalling idiots of past governments.
The Environmental Protection Agency is moving to revoke the Obama-era finding that has enabled the government to regulate greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, including emissions from power plants and vehicles.
EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin announced the plan Tuesday. He called the move part of “the greatest day of deregulation our nation has seen.”
Mr Zeldin called for reconsideration of 31 EPA rules, plans and regulations. He said the move “will drive a dagger straight into the heart of the climate change religion to drive down the cost of living for American families, unleash American energy, bring auto jobs back to the US and more.”
There won’t be enough glue at Best Buy for the nutters of the Climate Cult to smear on their hands. Or enough popcorn for the rest of us to enjoy it.
The EPA will reconsider the landmark 2009 Endangerment Finding, arguably one of the most powerful tools the government has used to control the American energy and transportation sectors.
Mr Zeldin called the finding “the holy grail of climate change religion.”
It was established early in President Obama’s first term and designated six greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and methane, as hazards to public health.
So, no breathing or farting, or you’ll be carted off to the Climate Gulag?
The EPA has, if nothing else, shown itself to be almost criminally culpable in stealing US taxpayer dollars.
On Tuesday, Mr Zeldin announced he would slash the EPA’s budget by 65 per cent, partly by clawing back and eliminating spending on climate justice and diversity, equity and inclusion programs. He recovered nearly $17 trillion from Citibank, where the EPA stashed the money in the final days of the Biden administration. The money was intended for nongovernmental organizations, some left-wing groups, climate justice and other green initiatives.
The next goal is to put an end to the madness of crippling US industry.
Mr Zeldin said he would reconsider that finding and all the regulations it enabled, including the stringent Obama- and Biden-era emissions caps on coal- and gas-fired power plants and the Biden administration’s tailpipe emissions limits that aimed to phase out sales of gas-powered cars and trucks.
The endangerment finding underpinned the Biden administration’s April 2024 power plant rule requiring new natural gas power plants and existing coal-fired power plants to slash nearly all emissions by 2032. The rule, which Mr Zeldin’s EPA will reconsider, would shutter plants or significantly reduce operations in the face of increasing US energy demands.
As fun as this will be, it’s about far more serious policy goals than ‘owning the libs’. This is about pursuing deadly serious strategic goals. There’s a reason China is frantically building coal-fired power plants and coal-dependent steel plants. Coal and steel are the absolutely essential foundations of a nation’s defence capabilities. A nation without a base of heavy industry cannot defend itself.
It’s almost as if Obama and Biden were doing it on purpose.
But never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Biden was a doddering grifter whose brain was on permanent rinse cycle. What was Obama’s excuse?