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Tan Chick with Funny Name Gets Her Knickers in a Twist

It’s literally slavery. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As you should all be aware, Lushington Dalrymple Brady is a nom de plume, and it’s a lot more interesting than my real name, believe me. But, despite its ordinariness, it’s amazing how many people manage to misspell it. Especially baristas.

Mostly, this just amuses me. But, according to professional race-baiters like Tim Soutphommasane, I should take umbrage at such a racist micro-aggression. Oh, I forget: I’m white. According to the loony doctrines of the race-hustlers, it’s impossible for anyone to act racist toward me: not even the Aboriginal passengers who used to curse me as a “white cunt” during my taxi-driving days as a student.

I once worked with a fellow with one of those incomprehensible Polish names that seem to consist of nothing but Cs, Zs and Ws. Occasionally, when people asked him if he could spell it, he’d reply, “Yes I can”. But he was white, too, so that wasn’t racist, either.

But, if you’re even a bit tan and you have a weird (in Anglophone countries) name, well, it’s Racism City.

My name is Tahlea (or Tali) Aualiitia and as someone who — through unsolicited commentary — has always been told how “different” and “difficult” my name is.

So difficult, in fact, that even her uber-woke employer, the ABC (how did I know she was going to be living on the taxpayer’s dollar?) spelt it wrong — twice.

Call the HRC! She’s practically been lynched.

Maybe she should change her name to Karen, considering her next move.

I immediately emailed Mamamia, and the presenter sincerely apologised for offending me […]

When my employer, the ABC, spelled my name wrong when I appeared on national TV less than a week later, I knew I had to call them out […] The next morning I sent an email to my manager asking to write this piece.

A piece, which, surprise, surprise, is long on outraged huffiness and the usual farrago of jargon (“online racism”, “POC”, “systemic racism”, “evidence-backed proactive response”, “cultural and linguistically diverse communities”, and “diversity action plan”) and very, very short on anything any normal person would be bothered about for more than a microsecond. Which seems to me about all the attention that a “microaggression” actually merits.

But, no, Ms (you can bet it’s “Ms”, if not “Xe”) Aualiitia milks it for an astonishing 1300 words.

It feels like walking around with a big target hanging around my neck.

I’m afraid we’re all out of big targets — would Jussie Smollett’s noose do?

You don’t know where the next attack — verbal, physical or systemic — might come from.

Except that she can’t actually identify a single actual, physical attack; so, like the big, whinging wuss that she is, she has to pretend that words are, like, totally violence.

Then, it starts getting really weird.

There are countless times where the POC talent I’ve met have audibly exhaled in relief when they saw that me, a brown woman, was the one interviewing them.

ABC Australia

Wow, sounds a bit RACIST to me. If a white “talent” requested to be interviewed only by white reporters, their career would be over in the time it takes to hit the “Send” button on Twitter.

She only amps up the brown-person racism on her Twitter rant, where she raves that:

A Pacific name is not just a surname. It’s your ancestors, your village, your people, your country.


In other words, SHE, a “person of colour” (that colour being a mild, me-after-a-day-in-the-sun tan, but, hey, it’s a colour, so she’s gonna take it and run with it), has a culture: YOU don’t, whitey.

Well, newsflash, Little Tan Princess: white people’s names carry meaning, too. So much so that, if you’re a family history researcher with a Scots background, you can pretty much work out a forebear’s entire clan of uncles and aunts just from they and their sibling’s first and middle names. If you’re from a migrant background, your surname might well be exactly the name of your ancestor’s village.

But, hey, we’re only white people: we don’t count.

And that’s not racist at all.

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