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Tas Labor Leader Praises Violent Communism

Look at his pleased little mug. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

What the hell is going on with Tasmanian Labor?

It might seem understandable that they dumped Rebecca White as leader after a second election defeat – but to replace her with an open Communist sympathiser?

A photograph of Tasmanian Labor leader David O’Byrne wearing a “good communist” T-shirt has surfaced, hours after The Australian revealed his new chief adviser was a former Communist Party member.

Even worse, the t-shirt openly advocates violence as “good communism”. Which history and 100 million dead has amply proved, of course. O’Byrne is simply proving that nothing has changed.

Least of all in Tasmanian Labor, whose former elder statesman, Jim Bacon, was a Maoist in the late 1960s – right when millions were being murdered and China ripped apart by the Cultural Revolution. No wonder China made him an honorary citizen.

The shocking revelations about O’Byrne ought to send waves of disgust across Tasmania and Australia.

The photograph shows Mr O’Byrne and MP sister Michelle O’Byrne, each holding up a clenched first; Mr O’Byrne wearing a T-shirt that reads: “You don’t become a good communist by going to meetings or memorising the manifesto. You do it with your fists.”

In the post, Mr O’Byrne, who won the leadership earlier this month after powerbrokers of his dominant Left faction dropped support for incumbent Rebecca White, thanks Ms O’Byrne for the “strong contender for Christmas present of the year”.

The Australian

This is not just a bad-taste joke, either. Tasmanian Labor has been embroiled in months of infighting and complaints that it is controlled by “hard left” factional bosses. The hard left “school bus bullies” are led by the Health and Community Services Union. Which should immediately raise questions about Tasmania’s dominant public health sector.

This also goes beyond t-shirts, too.

The man appointed by Tasmania’s new Labor leader to help the party win back lost support is a former communist who “likes” the views of a number of Marxist thinkers[…]

The Australian confirmed Grahame McCulloch, best known as a former longstanding leader of the National Tertiary Education Union, was a member of the Communist Party of Australia in the early 1980s.

Former member… or sleeper?

Mr McCulloch as recently as 2009 listed a number of leading communist or Marxist thinkers as “people whose views I like”[…]

McCulloch is also symptomatic of the hard-left push by cashed-up industry superannuation funds.

“(Mr McCulloch) is a director of Unisuper – one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds with assets of over $100bn – and a member of its remuneration committee and audit, risk and compliance committee,” Mr O’Byrne said.

The Australian

So, the next time super funds are heavying companies to fall into line on everything from climate alarmism to Marxist Queer Theory dogma like transgenderism, we know why.

But, as Andrew Bolt has said, if there was ever a time for an Australian politician to wear a t-shirt celebrating communism – and there isn’t – right now is the worst. A brutal, genocidal communist dictatorship is threatening war, and bullying Australia.

And opposition politicians in Australia are behaving for all the world like Fifth Columnists.

Wearing a t-shirt celebrating “good communists” should be no more acceptable than wearing one celebrating “good Nazis”.

O’Byrne is quite the piece of work: he’s already apologised and stood down as leader following “inappropriate sexual conduct” allegations. Now he should resign for good – and take his little Marxist mate with him.

Look at his pleased little mug. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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