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Tasmania Challenged to Let Kids Be Kids

LGB Tasmania launches its billboard near Hobart’s busy Brooker Highway. The BFD.

The backlash against rainbow groomerism is gathering pace in the sleepy island of Tasmania. And it’s members of the lesbian and gay communities who are taking up the baton.

LGB Tasmania kicked off an awareness-raising campaign on Tuesday by installing a billboard at Glenorchy, Tasmania, on the Brooker Highway.

“The colourful billboard says ‘Let Kids Be Kids’ and is calling for an end to harmful irreversible ‘gender affirming’ treatment for children, which can render them infertile,” says Jessica Hoyle of lobby group LGB Tasmania.

LGB Tasmania is just one of many groups across Australia and the world, including LGB Alliance and Gays Against Groomers, who say that they are fed up with so-called “trans rights” being conflated with, and promoted over, homosexual and women’s rights.

Worse, say Gays Against Groomers:

Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent years […]

The overwhelming majority of gay people are against what the community has transformed into, and we do not accept the political movement pushing their agenda in our name.

Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom

Gays Against Groomers

In Tasmania, as across the Western world, activists are pushing the so-called “gender affirmation” ideology. As part of this, schools are appointing often-unqualified “wellbeing co-ordinators” — whom former PM Scott Morrison dubbed “gender whisperers”.

Schools are actively “socially transitioning” children with gender dysphoria, by encouraging the changing of names, pronouns, uniform and allowing them to enter single sex spaces and sports of the opposite sex. Such social transitioning is often undertaken without parents’ knowledge or consent.

When Kellie-Jay Keen spoke in Hobart, violent trans activists staged a preview of the near-lynching meted out in Auckland. Too terrified to speak, an attendee thrust a heartbreaking note addressed to Keen into a security marshal’s hands.

This note was handed to a marshal at Let Women Speak Tasmania. The BFD.

Dr Stephen Levine, who has testified in many court cases relating to transgender rights, both in the United States and abroad, states that, “Social transition is a significant procedure with deep implications for a child’s long-term physical and mental health”.

LGB Tasmania also points out that many children rushed into “transition” are in fact merely confused homosexuals. Among girls, autism is also common in “trans men”.

Jessica Hoyle says, “Growing up gay can be confusing, and we know that teens who are gender non-conforming are much more likely to grow up to be happy lesbian and gay adults. We need to stop pushing dangerous puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Puberty is not a disease.”

The “Let Kids Be Kids” campaign aims to highlight the potential impacts of this process being conducted without parents’ knowledge or involvement. LGB Tasmania, along with parents community group, aims to provide education and resources to schools, parents, and the larger public, to inform them of the harms of social and medical transition of children.

“We need to stop transitioning gay and lesbian children. Let kids be kids. Stop the transitioning of autistic children, and stop the transitioning of children with complex mental health problems. Just let kids be kids”

Jessica Hoyle

Trans lobby group Equality Tasmania responded by calling the billboard “anti-trans”.

Which begs the question: if asking to “let kids be kids” is “anti-trans”, what are Equality Tasmania saying about transgenders?

LGB Tasmania and similar groups are up against significant state-enforced resistance. The Tasmanian government, which is pushing ahead with a so-called “conversion therapy ban” which will criminalise parents who try to seek help for their children, appears solidly captured by the “trans” lobby. The state recently overruled lesbian women who tried to organise a social event excluding “trans women” (men).

When LGB Tasmania attempted to buy advertising space on buses, which simply featured the brand “Lesbian Gay Bisexual Tasmania”, the state-run bus company refused.

LGB Tasmania’s proposed bus advertising was rejected by the state-run operator. The BFD.

“Tassielink were concerned they would upset the Christian schools their buses go to,” claimed a spokesperson.

On the other hand, Tasmanian bus company Kinetic, which provides services to several Christian schools, proudly boasts of its “colourful Pride Bus”.
