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Taxpayer-Funded Media Controlling the Fires Narrative

That same dreary tribe who seem to turn up at every “protest”.

When the smoke finally clears from the fires burning along Australia’s east coast, there will be the inevitable government inquiries, almost certainly a royal commission. The findings of which will almost certainly be stealthily ignored.

“The amount of prescribed burning occurring in Victoria is inadequate. it is concerned that the State has maintained a minimalist approach to prescribed burning despite recent official or independent reports and inquiries, all of which have recommended increasing the prescribed-burning program. The State has allowed the forests to continue accumulating excessive fuel loads, adding to the likelihood of more intense bushfires and thereby placing firefighters and communities at greater risk.”

– 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.

In the meantime, though, the rush is to control the narrative, get in first on the blame game. “Our” taxpayer-funded national broadcaster is shamefully joining the scramble, by throwing certain inconvenient facts down the Memory Hole.

It was reported on social media on Monday that ABC Gippsland deleted a news story they shared in September about members of the local Nowa Nowa community protesting strategic asset protection burns in the region.

As the photos show, it was the usual crowd of nosey-nannas and grey-bearded hippies and the rest of what Orwell derided as “that whole, dreary tribe”.

During the protests, ABC Gippsland reported, “The protesters held up signs, positioned themselves in the area that was planned to burn.”

One of the protesters allegedly commented to the ABC, saying she hoped she wouldn’t be fined, but she was more concerned about climate change.

“I’m more worried about climate change, and the impact the burns are having…”

Well, there’s certainly an impact being felt now.

But summer burns kill everything. Thanks a lot, Greenies.

It should be noted that these Green malcontents stood in the way of reducing the fuel loads which have inflamed the mega-fires now burning in the region, not once, but twice.

The burn was stopped according to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, awaiting another opportunity to complete it.

On October 23, the ABC reported on a second protest that took place at Nowa Nowa in relation to the rescheduled backburn that was meant to take place in September.

As a result, ABC Gippsland reported that the local community were relieved at the results of their protest…

I wonder how “relieved” their neighbours are feeling now?

After the September story was recently shared on social media in light of the current bushfire emergency, ABC Gippsland allegedly removed the post.

This is not the first time “our” government-funded broadcasters have tried to hide inconvenient truths about these bushfires from the Australian public.

Oceania is at war with Eastasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
