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‘Teens’ of No Particular Identity Commit Violent Crime

The BFD.

As Mark Steyn wrote, “the air-brush is mightier than the sword”. Steyn was referring to the Canadian press and its valiant efforts to erase any sort of clue that might have twigged their readers that there was something a little bit jihad-y going on in Paris. Two Muslim terrorists became “French-born brothers”, while their four Jewish victims became “four hostages”

The Australian media make the Canucks look like rank amateurs at covering up essential but un-PC facts.

Five teenagers have been arrested following a violent crime spree across south-east Melbourne.

Just five teenagers of no particular description, eh?

I mean, it’s not as if Melbourne has had anything of a problem with crime rampages committed by gangs of teenagers of a particular description.

They are accused of carrying out a home invasion in Frankston South, where a young mother was forced to hide in a cupboard as she attempted to protect her family.

One of the teens, aged 15, has been bailed while four others remain in custody – one as young as 14.

Three teens, allegedly armed with machetes and knives, broke into the home at midnight overnight.

They allegedly demanded car keys from the father, while the mother hid in a cupboard upstairs and dialled Triple Zero […]

Police allege the home invasion was the last incident in a crime spree that began on Wednesday.


Fortunately, some intern at 9News who hadn’t been thoroughly indoctrinated in the art of reporting-without-key-facts let the cat out of the bag in another report.

Detectives have have released CCTV footage of three men who they believe could help investigations.

The first man was African in appearance, wearing a white face covering, navy Kathmandu hooded jacket and black Adidas pants with white stripes.

The second man was wearing a black and white Everest long sleeve top and black Adidas pants with white stripes.

The third male was wearing a puffer jacket.


No doubt the NonNews journos would plead that media guidelines warn against “unnecessary emphasis on personal characteristics, including race, ethnicity, nationality”, the same guidelines warn against emphasising gender and age. Yet, somehow “teens” and “man” got through.

The guidelines also give a stronger prohibition against “suppress[ing] relevant available facts”.

Given that African gang crime has been a disturbing problem in Melbourne for some years now, and that Africans are shockingly over-represented in several categories of violent crime, then surely these are relevant available facts?

No matter how uncomfortable for the media’s preferred narrative.

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