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Tell Me Lies Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

Photo by Alexas_Fotos. The BFD.

Rob Slane

Rob Slane dwells in the Country Formerly Known as Great Britain, now known as The Quagmire. He is the author of The God Reality: A Critique of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, and A Christian & an Unbeliever Discuss: Life, The Universe & Everything. Thus has he written monthly worldview articles for the American health sharing company, Samaritan Ministries, and has regularly contributed to The Conservative Woman and the Canadian magazine, Reformed Perspective. So a bit eclectic, you might say. Oh, and he also blogs on a site called TheBlogMire. But you knew that anyway.

The overriding phenomenon of our times is the pretence that stuff that is happening isn’t happening, and that stuff that isn’t happening is happening. That’s another way of saying that we live in the Land of Inverted Reality surrounded by the Ocean of Lies.

A president who clearly has — let’s put it politely — cognitive issues, doesn’t have cognitive issues. A country that has lost more than 100,000 soldiers and has its energy system wrecked with impunity, hasn’t actually lost over 100,000 soldiers and is winning the war. The country that is systematically grinding them down and launching waves of missile attacks to decapitate its energy grid, has been almost out of missiles since March and is losing the conflict. The hard biological differences between those with XY and those with XX chromosomes are not really hard biological differences at all. The massive inflation that was caused primarily by the injection of trillions of dollars into the world economy that had largely been shut down under false pretences, is not really caused by the injection of trillions of dollars into the world economy that had largely been shut down under false pretences. The virus which the UK Government admitted had a tiny Infection Mortality Rate of 0.096%, and which was associated with an average age of death above the normal average age of death, was actually potentially deadly to everyone.

But the most astonishing of all these phenomena, however, is the continued pretence that a medical product that has killed or injured millions across the globe, hasn’t killed or injured millions across the globe. It’s not happening, even though it is happening. Even though the catastrophic damage they are causing is evidenced by data from all over the world, they are officially Safe and Effective, despite being obviously Fake and Defective.

Once upon a time, when a medical product was shown to be, or even suspected to be, causing adverse events, it was withdrawn from public use immediately. The best-known example of this is Thalidomide, which was released in 1957 as a treatment for anxiety, sleeping problems, and crucially, morning sickness, but which was withdrawn just four years later amid concerns that it was responsible for a rise in birth defects. Some estimates now put the number of babies that suffered abnormalities attributed to the drug at around 10,000, with almost half these ending in death.

There are three very interesting things to note about the Thalidomide episode. Firstly, the “scientific consensus” before the realisation of what it was doing to babies was that drugs given to mothers could not cross the placental barrier. Secondly, the abnormalities it caused often differed from baby to baby, with numerous organs being affected. And thirdly, not all babies whose mothers took this drug were affected, but it was only discovered later that the adverse effects occurred if a mother took it between 20 and 37 days after conception. These three things partly explain why it took four years for the connection to be understood, yet the time between the first public statement connecting Thalidomide and abnormalities in babies – a letter published in the Lancet from an Australian doctor, William McBride in 1961 – to its withdrawal by the West German manufacturer, Chemie Grünenthal GmbH, was just days.

Do you see what they did? The previous assumption that medication could not cross the placental barrier was shown to be false, on the basis of new evidence. The fact that dots had not been previously drawn between the numerous different abnormalities that were being seen did not prevent the joining of dots once the claim was made. The fact that abnormalities were not being seen in all babies whose mothers had taken Thalidomide, was not used as a smokescreen to hide those that were affected. Rather, true science and accumulating evidence caused assumptions to be revised, anomalies questioned, and an obviously unsafe product to be withdrawn almost immediately.

Imagine that they’d had the institutional corruption, government and media collusion, and vast influence of the Harmaceutical companies that we have now. Imagine that they’d had Twitter, Facebook, Fact Checkers and the Globalist Pravda media back then. Imagine the smearing of Anti-Thalidomiders and Thalidomide Conspiracy Theorists that would have occurred. Imagine the cancelling and deriding of those asking questions or calling for investigations. Imagine the stripping of William McBride’s medical license and the smear campaign against him. And worst of all, imagine the cackling dismissal of those parents whose children had died or been born disabled.

Had the same vastly powerful Harmaceutical companies working in cahoots with government and Globalist Pravda been around back then, Thalidomide for pregnant women would not have been halted when the data and evidence was showing it to be harmful. Rather, the adverse effects would have been ignored or put down to whatever spurious nonsense governments and their Globalist Pravda stenographers chose to gaslight the people of the day with, and anyone questioning it held to be a vile conspiracy theorist.

In the case of the cytotoxic-gene-therapies-masquerading-as-vaccines, it has been known for two years that they do not stay in the injection site but get distributed around the body, including crossing the blood-brain barrier. Yet unlike Thalidomide, they have not been stopped.

It has been known for two years from various government adverse event sites that they cause a plethora of different adverse events. Yet unlike Thalidomide, they have not been stopped. It has been known for two years that whilst these things do not harm everyone in the short-term at least, they have demonstrably harmed millions and continue to do so. Yet unlike Thalidomide, they have not been stopped.

How many more people — especially young people — does it take to “die suddenly”, “die unexpectedly” or come down with a sudden aggressive cancer or neurological issue before the obvious correlation between the toxic jabs and the toxic consequences is at least acknowledged? Sixty years ago, a single letter to the Lancet was enough to sound the alarm and get Thalidomide withdrawn. Sadly, in our current Fake and Defective society with its Fake and Defective institutions, any serious discussion of the Harmaceutical companies’ Fake and Defective medical products is forbidden. And so on it goes.
