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Tell Us Again How They’re Not Anti-Semites

They’d doubtless say they hate each other, but they hate Jews even more.

Candace Owens and Clementine Ford see a Jew. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Time and again, the ‘pro-Palestine’ mobs indignantly deny that they’re anti-Semites. ‘Anti-Zionist is not the same as anti-Semitic,’ they smugly declare, which is debatable in itself: if you’re declaring that, alone of the world’s peoples, the Jews have no right to a homeland in their indigenous lands, then it sounds very much like you’re singling out Jews.

You know: like an anti-Semite would.

The ‘anti-Zionist’ bullshit collapses even further on itself when you ask them to define what a ‘Zionist’ is. Almost invariably, they can’t. At best, they offer up a grotesque caricature taken almost verbatim from the motherlode of anti-Semitic texts, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (recently extensively quoted by Kim Dotcom, to roaring approval from ‘pro-Palestine’ activists).

Finally, it must be asked, why, if they’re not anti-Semitic, do ‘pro-Palestine’ protesters repeatedly target Jewish businesses, homes, synagogues and schools?

Several protesters wearing Palestine flags and carrying placards gathered outside Carmel School in the Perth suburb of Dianella on Monday morning, before police dispersed the group.

Rabbi Daniel Lieberman happened to arrive at the school just as the demonstration was taking place and told The Australian he was shocked by what he saw.

He said the school location had been deliberately chosen to cause intimidation […]

Carmel School describes itself as a modern Orthodox Jewish day school and is consistently among the best-performing academic schools in WA.

The school adjoins a community hub that includes the Holocaust Institute of WA and The Maccabean Jewish newspaper.

Still going to try to tell us that you’re not anti-Semites?

Anti-Semitism certainly makes for strange bedfellows. Candace Owens and Clementine Ford would no doubt both profess to hate each other – but that’s nothing compared to their mutual loathing for Jews.

Owens’ conversion to the crank cause of Israelophobia has been speedy and shocking.

She once might have been an interesting if overly strident voice on the dissident right. But now she sounds like every other loon who lurks in the grim underbelly of the World Wide Web where the Jews get blamed for everything.

Like Pally thugs denying the gruesomely documented horrors of October 7, Owens tries to cast doubt on the well-established fact of Josef Mengele’s experiments on Jewish inmates at Auschwitz. She also nods and winks at the ‘blood libel’ that Jews sacrifice children.

Enter Clementine ‘I’m not an anti-Semite, but…’ Ford.

She has described Zionists as “monsters”, “sadists” and “ghouls”. When it comes to the “Zionist ideology”, she says, there are “not enough babies in the world who could be bombed” to satisfy it […]

Indeed, Ford says Palestinian children have been “ritually maimed” by Israel. Ritually? As in ritual sacrifice? This is seriously disturbed stuff.

The two of them ought to get a room together. Preferably, far, far away, and securely locked.

Just this week, as people were poring over the nutty things Owens has said, Ford said something that every decent, reasoned person will baulk at.

“I don’t for a second believe that Hamas executed those host­ages,” she said in a comment on Instagram. “Israel’s desperation stinks,” she continued […]

Ford’s unevidenced claim that Israel is lying implies Israel is a uniquely deceitful nation. A nation so mendacious it will spread untruths about the deaths of its own people in order to … what? Cover up the truth that it killed the hostages?

Never forget, either, that Ford was actively involved in disseminating a ‘Jew list’, giving the personal information of hundreds of Jewish Australians. At least one has been forced into hiding.

Yet, while she and Owens wax denialist about crimes perpetrated against Jews, Ford is all-too-willing to lie through her teeth about imaginary crimes of Israel.

Ford has shared disinformation about the war in Gaza, including conspiracy theories about Israel “harvesting the organs” of Palestinians (false), and planning to use “illegal nerve gas” resulting in children having “flesh melted away” (also false) […]

While Ford is quick to condemn the use of (non-existent) nerve gas by Israel in Gaza, I could not find any record of her condemning the very real use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Funny about that. Time and again, despite their profession to merely be peace activists, the likes of Ford and Owens have nothing to say about the plethora of wars plaguing the planet, mostly perpetrated by Muslims against other Muslims. When it comes to Israel, though? They lose what passes for their minds.

Tell us again that they’re not anti-Semites.

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