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Forking Out Millions to Ship the Dregs of Gaza Here

Why is the Albanese government so suicidally determined to import a world of hate?

A model immigrant. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As Australians struggle with Labor’s cost-of-living crisis, no doubt they’d be cheered to learn that the Albanese government is splashing millions on imported Hamas supporters. Not that Australians would have known about it, if the government had had their way. Without any press conference, in the media dead zone of the end of the week, a most junior of ministers, Julian Hill, assistant to Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke, snuck out a sotto voce press release announcing ‘Funding to support Australian Palestinian communities’.

In other words, the 3,000 Gazans, whom not one Middle Eastern country will have a bar of, and more than any other Western country the Albanese government is proposing to flood into Australia on tourist visas. Even if they are open Hamas supporters. All to try and save the parliamentary careers of Tony Burke and other senior Labor MPs whose Western Sydney seats are dominated by Muslims.

Hill now says that “to focus on social cohesion”, the government will spend $5 million to “support young Muslim and Palestinian Australians and their family, friends and community impacted by the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza”.

Which begs the question: Why? What do Gaza’s self-inflected problems have to do with Australia? If Muslims really are ‘100 per cent Aussie’, as we’re constantly told, why are they so obsessed with a tiny patch of land on the other side of the world?

Or is Hill in fact worried they’ll get angry and do something to our “cohesion” to make us pay?

If the latter, why did we allow such dangerously volatile people into this country? […]

“Empowering young Australian Muslims locally is critical to building connections and tackling division, prejudice and hate,” he says.

Hang on. This seems confused – or dishonest.

Is Hill saying young Muslims will be hated if we don’t give them this money? That’s an unlikely cause-and-effect.

Or is he scared these youths will hate us if they don’t get our cash?

Why do young Muslims apparently need to be mollified with millions that we don’t have to spend on, say, Jews or Buddhists?

And where is the money going?

Hill says almost half the money is only for three Muslim organisations which may bid for it: United Muslims Australia, which preaches Islam; Himilo, which is for Sudanese Australians in Melbourne; and the Australian Multicultural Foundation.

The remaining $2.6 million will be lavished on “Australian Palestinian-led community organisations”.

Such as the ‘Palestinian Community of Western Australia’, which proudly advertises a protest against the Albanese Government “on behalf of the Political Intifada”.

Just six days after Hamas terrorists started the war on Israel by slaughtering 1200 Jews, this PCWA even sneered that Hamas “tore down apartheid walls” and inflicted “humiliation” on Israel.

Also is line for funding is the Palestine Australia Relief and Action Foundation, which declares “we live and work on stolen land”, plus the sweetly named Glimmer of Hope, which says it is “dedicated to providing cultural services to the Palestinian community of South Australia”, which includes yearly mourning of the “continued Palestinian catastrophe” at the hands of Israel.

And just what sort of people is the government recklessly importing on tourist visas – meaning, effectively, that they’ll never leave, thanks to endless lawfare by ‘refugee activists’? Well, we don’t have to ask, because the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research already did.

The poll results reveal that so many people from the region are armed with views that would make them troublesome immigrants. A total of 57 per cent of Gazans believe it was right to attack Israel on October 7 last year. That figure had been as high as 71 per cent. And even 54 per cent of Palestinians who have seen the videos of triumphant Hamas recruits murdering Israelis that day still insist Hamas did not commit atrocities.

In other words, they don’t consider torturing, raping, murdering and mutilating Jews to be an ‘atrocity’. Which is why they are overwhelmingly adamant that Israel commits war crimes, but Hamas does not.

These are people who’ve spent their entire lives, from their mothers’ knees, wallowing in anti-Semitic bile. Children’s television broadcast by the Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism and the murder of Jews. Children in Palestinian schools dress as Hamas fighters and play-act slaughtering Israelis, while UN-sponsored schoolbooks teach them that Jews are descended from pigs and apes. Schools, streets and sports teams, are named after suicide bombers.

What sane country would import people like that?

Oh, wait –we already have. Of 30 proscribed terror organisations in Australia, 26 are Islamic. Nearly every terror attack or planned attack in the last decades has been perpetrated by Muslims, either ‘refugees’ or their children. Many of them already on so-called ‘de-radicalisation’ programs.

Just last May, Perth police were forced to shoot dead a youth who had stabbed a stranger and then attacked them. He had been part of a deradicalisation program for two years.

Usman Khan, one of the Islamic terrorists who killed eight innocents during the 2017 London Bridge Attacks – including Australians Sara Zelenak, 21, and Kirsty Boden, 28 – had been on two counter-terrorism programs.

What is it about Australian governments, from Fraser in the 1970s to Albanese today, that makes them so determined to import a world of hate?

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