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Telling People What They Do Not Want to Hear

Image credit The BFD.

John Rofe

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

George Orwell

Dear Politicians,

I wish you and your family and friends each a Happy New Year.

On the 23rd of December 2021, I sent you a warning about the need to review two of the most significant problems that I believe (as a lowly taxpayer) were not properly addressed in 2021.  Each investigation will require the authority of a Royal Commission.

This article is only about the climate fraud.

During  December 2021 anyone who was watching the anomalous cold, snow, ice and blizzards in the Northern Hemisphere would have thought on balance that the Earth was plunging into an ice age.  The mainstream media instead (fixated on the twin delusions that the climate can change the weather and that we humans can change the climate) portrayed the standard UN IPCC line that human carbon emissions are leading to catastrophic warming – regardless of any evidence from the weather data.

The mainstream media inserted its own balance for us and eliminated most of the frightening evidence of anomalous cold records. But despite the month being a much colder than usual December in many places, for the up to date perspective, we need to take the figures “in the round”.  This is what the unabridged and unadulterated global average temperature looks like for the month of December 2021…  You will note that the “pause” ran from 1999 to 2015 and became the subject of the “climate-gate scandal” as the so-called experts tried to make the truth disappear by altering the temperature records for countries like New Zealand, Australia, UK and USA.  They are still at it!

To summarise:  From the data first published last week in the USA from the satellite data feed…I quote from UAH…

“The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for December, 2021 was +0.21 deg. C, up from the November, 2021 value of +0.08 deg. C.

The annual average anomaly for 2021 was +0.134 deg. C above the 30-year mean (1991-2020), which places it as the 8th warmest year in the 43 year satellite record, behind 2016, 2020, 1998, 2019, 2017,2010, and 2015.”

Given that the average since 2016 has been a drop in temperature while human carbon emissions continue to soar higher, the only thing we can be certain of is that the Prime Minister broke the first law of leadership by declaring a “Climate Emergency” when no emergency had occurred and it is not possible to alter the global climate by human action.  (In other words, sponsoring a fictitious crisis with no rational solution).

Almost 1,000 years ago, at a time approaching the height of the Mediaeval Warm Period when trees grew along the Northern shoreline of Russia and in Greenland, King Canute (the mighty king of Norway, England, Demark and part of Sweden) was tempted to do the same things as PM Ardern has today.  Instead, he took his nobles to the sea-side to demonstrate that try as he might he could not turn back the tide.

In future, there will be no fables told about King Canute, only ones about a delusional New Zealand Prime Minister who never even bothered to check the evidence before showing off her ignorance and then for three years ignoring the facts.  The reason why the cathedrals of Europe had high vaulted ceilings and huge stained glass windows and are even today almost impossible to heat is because it was hotter then than it is now.

As for the talking heads on TV, who use data that is smoothed to suit their narrative, the increase of 0.25oC per decade which was quoted on TVNZ last week is almost double the warming of the atmosphere for the last 43 years and the average has actually been falling since 2016, with the only anomalous year above the recent trend since 2016 being the strong El Nino year of 2018.  You can see it for yourself from the above graph.

Whether we like it or not, the weather is always a mixture of pattern and chaos.  The climate is only the average of the weather over 30 to 40 years.  No one disputes there has been warming since the end of the “little ice age” in 1850, and that accords with the subsequent upsurge in solar activity during the 20th Century.  That warming is in line with natural variability.  It is now a new century in which the most recent solar cycle (simply named sc24) was significantly less active and the new cycle (sc25) now well underway, is forecast to be even less active still.  Nothing has changed because variability in solar activity changes the Earth’s received energy supply and this is both moderated and major climate effects are allocated by the various limbs of the terrestrial water cycle.

Earth’s climate history is now well understood.  The climate is always changing.  Grand Solar Maximums (periods of active 11-year solar cycles) are always followed by Grand Solar Minimums (periods of far less active 11-year solar cycles).  Grand Solar Maximums yield a much warmer climate than Grand Solar Minimums and while we bask in the present warmth a possible reduction of 2oC  between the extreme of each is the biggest drop we could expect during the remainder of the Holocene.  (see the slide number 19. of attachment “140708” below)

140708 – The 24 PowerPoint slides from the presentation by Habibullo Abdussamatov at the 9th ICCC on 8 July 2014 (003)Download

If you want to see how the activity of the various 11-year solar cycles (up to sc24) you can find that also on slide 13. of the Russian Academy of Sciences presentation “140708” too.

Humanity has always typically enjoyed times of plenty during warmth and times of famine and political disaster during the cold.  So, may I just remind you.  The Russians expect they are moving into a time of severe cold and that is consistent with their scientific advice.  It is what informs their national and geopolitical strategies. We are content to bask in present warmth in the belief that our version of climate science – based on either ignorance, stupidity or fraud –  suggests it will just get ever warmer.

Just because PM Ardern and sycophants say they follow the science, doesn’t mean they do.  After all, they cannot even stand up to debate their position.

The climate fraud began because vested interests saw an advantage in misrepresenting the influence of humanity on the climate.  But they made a serious mistake because they believed their own propaganda and placed a satellite recording system in place to monitor the changed conditions in the Earth’s atmospheric layers.

All our weather takes place in the lowest layer of the atmosphere called the Troposphere which contains an ocean consisting of 13 to 20 trillion tonnes of water in suspension as either water vapour, clouds or precipitation.  (That is why planes all fly in the Stratosphere above the weather)  Water vapour, being lighter than air is always ascending and cooling, to eventually condense into the clouds and when cloud particles are heavier than air, down comes the rain, hail or snow.  Every day 1.15 trillion tonnes of water vapour is what constitutes the sole omnipotent greenhouse gas and its ascent provides a radiative and conductive heat transfer to higher (cold) altitude.

Here is a summer experiment that even your children can do.

If you go to the beach and stand on the sand…in the full sunlight the sand will burn your bare feet…when a cloud is overhead the sand will remain warm but not cause pain…when it rains, the sand will be cold to the touch.  Yet you accept that a tiny amount of CO2 rules the climate?  That is nuts.

This effect is interpreted differently by the politicians in our Government on the one hand and the scientists who are paid to do their bidding on the other.

  • Politicians have no idea how stupid it is to believe that a gas comprising less than 0.05% of Earth’s atmosphere can dominate climate change, but because all atmospheric gases are invisible, they will always believe what it is in their interest to believe. Despite lazy protestations of their innocence, neither science, nor the truth is involved.
  • Scientists whose job depends on them toeing the party line over popular “anthropogenic global warming theory” have built a huge litany of sophistry in order to prove “cooling is heating” and secure their academic reputations.  Their only imperative is to never be drawn into rational debate over the science.  Yet the truth is simple and anyone can understand it if it is explained.  The media blackout is your biggest problem.

The reason you have no justification for believing the falsehoods you pay for with our money is because what actually differentiates both the weather and climate between places like New Plymouth and Napier (which are at the same altitude and on the same latitude) is the amount of the usual moisture in the atmosphere which is differentiated by the density of the sole omnipotent and omnipresent greenhouse gas – water vapour.  This has absolutely nothing to do with CO2, CH4 or N2O.

Water vapour averages about 24 times the volume of CO2 and has five times the radiative greenhouse gas effect on incoming solar rays and 10 to 12 times the greenhouse gas radiative effect on the outgoing infrared heat from Earth’s surface than CO2.  Water vapour has both conductive and 28 non-radiative effects on climate which means it is blatant nonsense that either the change in total atmospheric CO2 or human carbon emissions can have any significant effect on Earth’s climate. The sun and atmospheric water vapour dominate.

Please go to the beach, kick back, take off your shoes and socks and test the truth for yourself.

Next autumn as the weather cools, take the time at say 10 pm to go outside and look at the sky, if you cannot see the stars for the density of atmospheric water vapour, much of the heat of the day likely won’t be able to escape, so there will be no frost.  If you can see the stars the layer of water vapour will usually be inadequate to prevent a frost.

The closest climate to the rocks in outer space is to be found on Earth’s deserts where it gets hotter during the day and colder at night with a greater diurnal temperature range.  The sole reason is the greatly reduced atmospheric water vapour in deserts.  The same amount of human-affected gases exist there and make no difference in climate from either time to time or place to place.

Instead of relying on the evidence of the obsequious junk scientists, please try using your own eyes and powers of reason.  It is a new year and time to review the evidence that proves for certain that you are all being conned.

Yours sincerely

John Rofe
