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A BIG Whaleoil thank you to the hundreds of readers who have taken the time to subscribe or to renew or upgrade their subscription to Whaleoil.

Your financial support means the world to us all here at Whaleoil as we work for you and your subscriptions make us feel that our efforts are valued. They also allow us to plan for the future as unlike advertising revenue monthly subscription revenue is stable and gives us certainty.

Your subscription new or old means that you are in the monthly draw to win credit towards a delicious, restaurant quality, non-halal meat pack.

A BIG thank you also to the many, many readers who have donated to Whaleoil over the years as well as those who make monthly donations. Your support is very gratefully received.

Whaleoil, as usual, will continue to be the place to be to discuss everything politics related as well as a place to relax and have a few laughs with friends.

We continue to exist and to grow because of your subscriptions. Thank you for being such a crucial member of the Whaleoil team.
