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Brad Flutey

A Regenerative Consultant Living Off-Grid, learning to become symbiotic, writing policy, a manifesto, and developing regenerative living and earning models.

Some who read this might think what we thank them for is obvious! They might think that Labour helped reduce gun violence by convincing those who don’t abuse guns to give up their guns. They might think Labour helped poverty and mental health by making it worse; they might also think that Labour solved the housing crisis by not building houses! Most of all, they might think Labour saved us from a “killer virus”. By now, you might be thinking — “ah, sarcasm” and you’re probably ready to stop reading because you’re a Labour fan, or you’re delighted to read on because you’re a hypothetical opposition fan.

Read on; this is for both of you because I genuinely want to thank Labour for something.

Thank you, Labour, for mismanaging the lockdown so badly that we now know that National and ACT are equally as bad.

National wants Covid-19 rule-breakers to be punished ‘so others don’t do it as well’

There’s one thing to be grateful for when considering the unopposed economic destruction, the insanely deep debt hole, all the collapsed businesses, and the ridiculous virtue signalling. Be grateful National and ACT weren’t in charge!


Because if we were to take the rhetoric of National and ACT seriously, they would have been more of a nonsensical neoliberal tag-team of tyranny. Labour’s incompetent approach has buttressed the points of “conspiracy theorists” conservatives and dissenting epidemiologists by confirming that the espoused threat of this likely seasonal coronavirus was the equivalent of playing it up for a Ponzi-scheme.

This isn’t just confirmed by the scientific dissenting voices, people like Dr Jay Battacharya, Dr Simon Thornley, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr Anders Tegnell, Dr. Dan Erickson, Dr. Artin Massihi, and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi. It’s also been confirmed by the science of those who champion lockdowns.

Furthermore, the obvious lack of compliance on the part of the public has made the whole lockdown and control measure narrative a farce. The goal of lockdown was to reduce the spread and to save lives. For a lockdown to work on a virus that is 125 nanometers in size (0.00015mm), they needed good compliance from the populace and tests that weren’t unreliable.

Unfortunately, they didn’t have either, not even close.

A global team of experts has found 10 FATAL FLAWS in the main test for Covid and is demanding it’s urgently axed. As they should — RT Op-ed

For starters, the PCR test is so flawed that the most accurate way to describe what it does is as follows. It swabs for “viral” genetic material and is then put through forty cycles of amplification. It maybe tells you that you maybe have something resembling a coronavirus or some other seasonal flu-like virus. Then, you are lodged as a positive coronavirus case while said sample is sent for genome testing, testing that will hypothetically clarify that it is Covid. We will then give it a country strain label like the South African strain, or the UK strain, or the Brazilian strain. We can’t call one the China strain because that’s racist, and we don’t want to anger our biggest trade partner.

Next was our level of compliance paired with border and MIQ incompetence. We have around 2.6 million registered tracer users and a cell phone user percentage of 80% back in 2006. This reveals that under half of the country are unregistered for the Covid Tracer app. Essentially they’re just like me; a Covid asshole. That’s 1,419,692 people not using the tracer app out of a population of roughly 4,088,000 cell phone users. This is a starting compliance rate of roughly 65%! Then we factor in the fact that about one in six (it’s likely less) of those who have the app use it daily! That gives you a daily Covid tracking compliance pool of 10.8% of the population, that’s atrocious!

What does this mean? It means that every press conference that has displayed one or more cases caught by their hole-ridden non-virus catching system is nothing more than a political show!

It means that they have no idea how prevalent “Covid-19” is in Aotearoa/New Zealand, because less than 20% of the country bothers to get tested, and just over 10% of the country is using the Covid Tracer app the way they’re supposed to. So, it stands to reason, if “Covid-19” was a threat to 2% of the population, the hospitals would know because the government has inspired no statistical integrity in the lockdown to stop it.

Why have National and ACT used Labour’s failure to contain Covid as an excuse to push for more authoritarianism?

This brings us to an important question. Why have National and ACT used Labour’s failure to contain Covid as an excuse to push for more authoritarianism? Especially when the evidence is leaning towards not needing lockdowns or any control measures! Why has the so-called opposition been so flaccid and ineffective at addressing the real points?

Labour may be incompetent, but we can thank their incompetence for exposing National and ACT’s desire for more authoritarianism for no reason whatsoever. Two wings, one rubbish Neoliberal bird.

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