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The Answer My Friend Is Blowin’ in the Wind

shallow focus of white dandelion
Photo by Saad Chaudhry. The BFD.

Aleksandr Dugin, a neo-Nazi intellectual mystic, is said to be Putin’s brain and influence behind the Ukrainian invasion. He wears his hair long with a shaggy beard like the infamous Rasputin of a century ago.

Dugin argues that Russia should rule from Vladivostok to Dublin. His concept is that the globe has land and sea powers and as Russia is the biggest landmass with enormous mineral deposits it should rule the area known as Eurasia. This title is possibly picked up from Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, where the world is divided into three power areas.

Dugin’s writings were required reading for troops going into Ukraine. Russia is considered to be the Hyperborean civilisation and must combat the Atlanteans who are considered to be the US. This harkens back to Atlantis from Greek mythology.

Russia claims to want to de-Nazify Ukraine but has its own task force – Rusich who are recruited from nationalistic circles in Moscow and St.Petersberg. These are Neo-Nazi mercenaries known for their brutality in Syria and the 2014 war in Crimea and are now in Ukraine.

Zelensky has described the Friday attack on Kramatorsk Railway Station as an ‘Act of Evil that has no limits’. Residents, mainly women, children and the elderly were fleeing there from the Donbas Region to escape the approaching Russian army. A cluster missile with the inscription ‘For the children’ (it was claimed) was sent in, killing about 50 and injuring 87.

The Russians left Irpin and Bucha in such haste, with Ukranian troops advancing on them, that there was not enough time to bury 400 bodies and many were left on the streets. Russians do not bother to bury their own troops.

A 69-year-old woman, Tetianna Oleksienko from Andrivka came up from the basement where she was hiding because of hunger and found Russians digging a 7 ft trench in her garden. She was told it was a graveyard for her and other Ukrainians.

Lee Harper, a 50-year-old ex-soldier from the NZ Defence Force is in the front lines fighting alongside other foreign fighters helping the Ukrainians. This is probably symbolic as the Ukrainians have a 300,000 man army but Lee Harper said he “could not sit back”.

The Barbarians are at the Gates. The Russians after retreating from Kyiv are now doing a re-run of the war they lost in the Donbas Region of 2014. Russian propaganda has it that they didn’t intend to take Kyiv but mistakingly put out a news item that Kyiv had already been taken.

Boris Johnson has been in Kyiv praising the Ukrainian people who are like ‘Lions’ and Volodymyr Zelensky who is their ‘Roar’. Johnson said it was an “inexcusable war” and Ukraine would rise as a sovereign nation once more.

The Russians have already lost more Russian troops in Ukraine than they did in 10 years in Afghanistan. Logistics and tactics have been extremely poor. No Russian who loses a war can stay in power. Will the Bear be able to hang on by its paws?

Bob Dylan’s song “Blowin’ in the Wind”  is as relevant today as when it was written. Here are a few lines:

How many roads must a man walk down before they call him a man? How many years can some people exist before they’re allowed to be free? How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see? How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died? The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind. The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
