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The Babies: We Must Acknowledge Their Humanity

surrogacy babies

In my previous article I wrote about the babies that were reported to have been killed in Israel.

I included the following link to an interview with a reporter from Israel:

Another victim was mentioned in the interview, that I have left off for this article.
I have not been able to verify the details, but here is what was alleged in the interview:
A pregnant woman was allegedly shot in the head.

Her stomach was reported to have been cut open and her unborn baby stabbed.
The journalist asked the question: “Which happened first?”

I ask that you think about that question for a moment.

Some may be shocked by this news. It is difficult to imagine this being done by one human being to another, yet it has happened and does anyone really care about this?
Is the thought of a mother’s last moments experiencing what is ‘unthinkable’ what shocked you most? At first this is what I thought about. But did you consider another unthinkable situation? The baby feeling their mother’s heartbeat suddenly stop, knowing something is wrong, but not understanding until a light appears from the outside world, then suddenly, a sharp pain from a knife.

Did anyone consider how terrifying this could be for the unborn child?

Would anyone have cared about this child if this were simply a report of a mother having an abortion? Do we realise the humanity of the children or do we too easily forget those without a voice? The Jews were labelled as “untermensch” by the Nazis, they were treated as less than human, as though they were somehow ‘sub-human’ – but do people still feel this way about some human beings today?

We are appalled at the cries from protests in Sydney calling for Jews to be gassed, we recognise that we are all human beings, but do we really care about the unborn child? Do we really value them as fellow human beings?

Jacinda Ardern may have been the one who introduced what has been called the most extreme abortion laws in the world, but now that the government has changed, will it be any different?

Does the New Zealand government recognise the unborn child as a human being?

Will Christopher Luxon acknowledge this child as a human being?

I doubt it. And that is perhaps the most disturbing part of this story. New Zealand law may not recognise the child as a human being unless he or she has fully emerged from the mother’s body.

To recognise this act of terror as the murder of two human beings would be to admit that abortion is also an act of terror on the unborn child.

While we think of the victims in Israel and also those in Gaza and elsewhere who have suffered because of the terrible things that have happened, let us not forget what is happening here in New Zealand. Let us not forget the children killed here as their deaths are celebrated with the chants of ‘My Body, My Choice’, how is it any different to those chants calling for the murder of Jews?

Pray for Israel, pray for the nations and pray that New Zealand would repent of this evil also.

I challenge Christopher Luxon to formally acknowledge this child as a human being. We will see what kind of man the people of New Zealand have voted for.
