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The Beginning of the End of Bridges’ Leadership, Luxon WINS on First Ballot

The man Simon Bridges really didn’t want to win selection has won the Botany National party selection in the first ballot. His parachute worked.

Now the slow political death of Simon Bridges begins, with the media annointing Luxon as the leader in waiting. The good news for National is that they will now have a leadership contender as wet as his good friend Jacinda Ardern.

Christopher Luxon and PM Jacinda Ardern

Luxon gave a full-on leadership speech. Bridges will be very worried. He knows that this will be a replay of when Don Brash stood and the leadership of Bill English came under the same pressure that Bridges’ will now come under.

Todd Muller, likewise, won’t be happy as the wet wing of the party will now have a new leader of the puddle.

National continues to get woke.

Meanwhile, the most brutal and nasty campaign of the next year has now started. I wonder if Mr Luxon will keep his family offshore so as to avoid the splatter.

Jami-Lee Ross will surely welcome Luxon to the jungle.
