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woman holding brown gift box standing in front of white wall
Photo by Kira auf der Heide. The BFD.

How often do you get the opportunity to give your loved one the gift of their caricature drawn by a professional cartoonist?

The BEST thing about ordering a caricature online is that it can also be delivered online.

Treat yourself and your loved one to a caricature today.

It’s the BEST gift ever!


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You Best Jump Emily, Jump

You Best Jump Emily, Jump

Reality is coming. As sure as night follows day, it’s coming. Reality cannot be denied. Reality cannot be tricked. Reality is unforgiving. Don’t be the last person left defending this deranged ideology.

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Facts and Fantasies

Facts and Fantasies

Once I ran across Derek and we had a few drinks together. I told him he was wasting his time trying to overthrow Muldoon, as Derek was not a natural leader, which required an X factor few people possessed.

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