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As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by idbkiwi Thank you idbkiwi for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

Gidday Tova; my name’s Bolt, but you can call me Blue.

I can’t quite understand the hyperbole of your story headline:

I mean, where have you been? Mars? Tova; you need to get out more, out of your media milieu, that is. If you truly believe this election result was a shock it’s incumbent on you to work out why you didn’t see it coming. Perhaps part of the answer lies in your press posse, the people you co-agitate with. Instead of analysis and party visions you, and your cohort, gave us bias and scuttlebutt. Your demonisation of several candidates served only to give them traction, in part because if you poo-poohed them we automatically liked them, such is our disdain for you and your colleague’s opinions.

Your column today epitomised your style; girlfriend. “But try saying straight-faced, hand on bible or sworn on the grave of a beloved dearly departed, that you saw this coming and the country would collectively call BS.” Really? Oh; Tova, please stop. Do some growing up. I contribute, when I can, to a platform of real-world people, ordinary people, whose various opinions and reckons don’t always align but who speak, with utter frustration, of the doings of the last six years as ruinous with good reason. Many, many of them are bewildered by this thing called ‘wellbeing’ government, and their disastrous decisions. That you couldn’t see that, and they, the humbles, could, speak to your reading of the public mood, but not in a good way.

You tell lies; Tova. We don’t like that. You said: “The loudest cheer Luxon roused during his victory speech was when he said it was looking like a two-party National/ACT government. No NZ First.” While, in fact, Mr Luxon did not say that, in fact, he said “I also rang Winston Peters and congratulated him on New Zealand First’s return to parliament, and I appreciate that he said he was willing to help where needed.”

You see Tova; we’re over you, and the mainstream press, we don’t like you and we hesitate to support you because, far from the result being a ‘bolt from the blue’, we see your acerbic scribblings as those of just another uninformed, left-wing unicorn-milking, ‘dolt from the milieu’.


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