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As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by George Thank you George for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

I believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old. We are all currently living in the 45th millionth century. A minuscule grain of sand on the vast beach of evolution. At this point in time our current academia is trying to convince us that the way the world is now, is perfection, and it must be preserved as such. The climate variances are spot on, the sea at a perfect level and the distribution of biological and organic matter, right on the money. The assumption is that the world should be maintained forever as they are experiencing it, we must adjust to their commands otherwise we are all doomed.

Under whose instruction should the deserts, covering a third of the earth’s landmass, remain unproductive and uninhabitable? Under whose instruction must the residents of Oymyakon, Russia continue to live their lives suffering an average temperature of minus 50C during winter? Why should rain only fall on the plains in Spain and not on the Sahara Desert? Why can’t the sea rise and flood Al Gore’s beachside mansion?

The point is, the earth’s natural resources are not man-made nor is the distribution of those resources at mankind’s bequest. Evolution takes time and is constantly adjusting. What’s here now will not be here in a million years time nor what we are experiencing now is not what it was a million years ago. Only time will tell if our finest wines will emerge from vineyards located in Antarctica or the Sahara Desert. The residents of Oymyakon may even need suntan lotion on standby.

Yet we have a conceited, arrogant and patronising group of political activists who would have us believe, that under their instruction, they can save the world if we would only follow their directives! They have decreed that they, and they alone, have the power to stall forty billion years of evolution, stop it in its tracks and for all of us to live in a world of their choosing. We should be blessed that their extraordinary wisdom just happens to coincide within our very own life cycle, which of course, evolution will ignore, and so should we.

Message to Evolution:
Could you please eradicate socialism as it is the biggest threat to mankind. Please don’t take a million years, tomorrow would be fine.

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