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As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by Greg Moore Thank you Greg for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

On being locked up again, with the “cases” 1500 km’s away. Jacinda and especially Ashley need to answer one big question. How many people have died through late diagnoses and cancelled treatments?

Bet you a box of beer it’s hundreds more than the 26 which Covid and co-morbidities have taken.

I was due for a scan this Friday to see how much my cancer has spread. Cancelled, with no new date. I am only one little voice of tens of thousands in the same boat, but every little drop of water quenches the parched ground when there is a rainstorm.

Stand up, speak up, and push back, all of you.

So far the cure has been worse than the virus and it needs to stop. This is NOT the bubonic plague.

We cannot and should not spend life hiding under the bed, that’s not life. A handshake and a beer with a mate. Hugging your niece or an old uncle, going on a final road trip with a loved one, that’s life.

Listen up, Jacinda. Little Greg is not “going to go quietly into the good night” I’m going to fight the cancer that’s in me, and I’m going to fight the cancer in your government as well. I have nothing left to lose.
You have kicked this old dog one too many times and now I’m going to bite you back. You are going to be hearing from me soon, and one day you will be hearing from all of us.

Nuremberg code 1947. Bill of rights act 1990.

Read them.


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Here Is the Real News

Here Is the Real News

The real news is not to be found at six o’clock on One or Three but elsewhere in places such as YouTube.

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A Gun Lobby You Say?

A Gun Lobby You Say?

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