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As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by Tarquinius  Thank you Tarquinius for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

Everytime our politicians talk about anything, including Grant with inflation, they start off by rattling off the figures for other countries. Inflation in Australia is…., inflation in the UK is….., inflation in…. Then they imply it’s not so bad in NZ as it’s only 7.3% as opposed to 7.4% somewhere else so we really should be congratulating them and be more grateful instead of complaining.

Since I live in New Zealand and not somewhere else it doesn’t matter a monkeys. The fact is that inflation is 7.3% and that’s way more than 0%. With increased wages over the years and better management our economic position should have gotten better and we should have had deflation by now where living has gotten cheaper.

How have we gone from a minimum wage of $13.50 in 2012 to a minimum wage of $21.20 in 2022 and everyone is skint? $5.45 of this $7.70 increase has been on Labour’s watch.

The argument that ‘everyone is going backwards so we shouldn’t worry that we are too’ just cements my view that the only way Labour can artificially elevate themselves is to knock all those around them down.

Inflation in other countries may be marginally higher but their standard of living started off a lot higher than ours so they’re more able to weather the storm. When we’ve already got a large proportion of people living below the breadline as the breadline moves ever higher it’s never going to end well.

Let them eat cake?
