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This post is a place to:

  1. Notify others of COVID-19 related news in their areas
  2. Arrange for help for those unable to go out to get food or medicine
  3. Ask for help

If you are needing help the Friends in need group may be able to assist you.

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. ”

As a nation we’re currently being reminded of the importance to stay at home and remain within our own ‘household bubbles’. We’ve been instructed not to venture out or to mix with others who aren’t part of our immediate bubble, as we seek to navigate our way through this current pandemic.
The above verses remind us, that as the body of Christ, part of our role is to motivate, encourage and strengthen one another as we seek to walk out our faith journey together. And perhaps now more than ever, is the time for us to be doing so.
The old saying that ‘we are stronger together than we are alone’, is perhaps more important now than it ever has been in this day and age.
However, as much as we need to encourage each other and to be encouraged ourselves, it is not just to our own individual bubble groups, that our reaching out should be limited to. There are many other bubbles so to speak within our own whanau, friends and the wider community who also need to be reached, supported, strengthened and encouraged during this season of time that we now find ourselves in.
The Scripture urges us to ‘encourage one another’, and as the hands and feet of Christ, we have an opportunity to creatively reach out and connect with those other bubble groups around us, to help strengthen and comfort them with the love of God and the encouragement that we ourselves have also received.
I want to encourage you today, to reach out to someone that’s outside of your own bubble group who might just benefit from a word of encouragement, a sense of reassurance or some fresh strength for the journey ahead.
