Welcome to the daily BFD community noticeboard. I expect how we use it to develop as the weeks pass. For now, I am thinking that it will be:
- A place to notify others of COVID-19 related news in their areas
- A place to arrange for help for those unable to go out to get food or medicine
- A place to ask for help

Another idea I have is for people to volunteer to be the BFD co-ordinator for help in their city or town. The co-ordinators will supply a contact e-mail that we will publish and all readers from that area needing help or able to supply help will then be able to contact the co-ordinator directly. The co-ordinator can then put people in touch with each other.
I will publish the contact details of each co-ordinator every day on this post.
To start with I am looking for a co-ordinator for each of our main cities. We will then progress to towns as needed.
Contact SB [at]the bfd.co.nz
Please put the name of your city in the subject line.