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The BFD Video: Douglas Murray & Roger Scruton on the Future of Conservatism

For anyone who admired the late Roger Scruton, here is a video of him and Douglas Murray on the topic of the future of Conservatism, courtesy of the Spectator. They’ve been good friends for a long time, and this would probably be one of the last interviews with him. Just one of Roger Scruton’s pithy observations:

We live in an extremely anxious age in which the core of our beliefs has been undermined to a great extent by scientific thinking. People have a hunger for answers but an inability to formulate the questions, partly because of the short-term view of things that’s encouraged by the media, and partly because there seems to be no centre to which people can turn in order to see what the heart of the discussion is. I think this is a failure of philosophy in our days – and also of the culture that our English-speaking world has generated – around the idea of an abstract question.

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