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The word for today is…

overwhelm (verb):

1 : upset, overthrow
2a : to cover over completely
b : to overcome by superior force or numbers
c : to overpower in thought or feeling

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Let’s face it: life can get overwhelming. A person might be overwhelmed by a sensory experience or emotion; a city might be overwhelmed by an influx of tourists. Things can underwhelm, too: a bland meal, a bare wall, a lackluster playlist. But how often does an experience just, well, whelm you? The answer, unassumingly, is just as often as one overwhelms you—the two verbs are in fact largely synonymous. Both come from Middle English whelmen, meaning “to overturn,” and overwhelm has always been more popular, perhaps because the emphatic redundancy of overwhelm makes it seem more apt for describing reactions to powerful forces or feelings.

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