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The word for today is…

devolve (verb):

1: : to pass on (something, such as responsibility, rights, or powers) from one person or entity to another
2a : to pass by transmission or succession
b : to fall or be passed usually as a responsibility or obligation
3 : to come by or as if by flowing down \
4 : to degenerate through a gradual change or evolution

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Evolve, revolve, devolve. All three of these words (and more) evolved from the Latin verb volvere, meaning “to set in a circular course, to cause to roll, to bring round.” Latin evolvere means “to roll out or away”; Latin revolvere means “to roll back to a starting point”; and Latin devolvere means “to roll (something) down.” In its earliest uses in the 15th century, devolve was about literally rolling down: it meant “to roll onward or downward.” Today the word is typically about a more figurative rolling down, as when an organization devolvesepower—that is, passes power down—to those at a lower level of authority, or when a deteriorating situation is described as “devolving into chaos.” One word, multiple uses

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