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The word for today is…

firework (noun):

1 : a device for producing a striking display by the combustion of explosive or flammable compositions
2 fireworks plural : a display of fireworks
3 fireworks plural a : a display of temper or intense conflict
                                 b : strong feelings of usually romantic or sexual attraction between two people
                                   c : a spectacular display

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :The word fireworks burst upon the scene in the 1500s as a reference to military explosives (a sense that is now obsolete). These explosives were originally used as weapons, of course, but soon they were also being used in explosive displays celebrating victory or peace. By 1575 people were oohing and aahing over “fireworks shewed upon the water; the which were both strange and wel [sic] executed.” Figurative uses have been popping up ever since the 1600s. In addition to the angry explosion sense, fireworks can also refer to a spectacular display of musical, visual, or verbal brilliance, as in “an outstanding album, bursting with spectacular musical fireworks.”

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